29 December 2013

BATS! Analysis

They really seem to want to kill that bat with lasers and soundwaves.

Well, it looks like we've hopped onto the analysis bandwagon with Commander Firebrand giving his take on today's episode "Bats!" Hit the jump to watch the latest analysis, or click the image to watch on YouTube!

26 December 2013

FOB Equestria is upgrading!

Major Tom is, by himself, upgrading the site with some major updates. So hang on for some big changes.

Standby. Grab hold.


25 December 2013

ARTillery Inbound Re-boot! #024

Howdy, folks! My name is Brony Joe, and I'm the new staff member here on FOB Equestria! My job is to reboot the ARTillery Inbound post! And since it's that time of year, it's time for some holiday themed ponies!

24 December 2013

Greetings from Antarctica! The Frozen Brony: Day 1

The Frozen Brony

 Good news bronies!

Our literature review pony Dizziestbeef has been deployed... to ANTARCTICA. He is now (as far as I am concerned after doing no research) THE SOUTHERN MOST BRONY EVER. He'll be doing a bit of a blog every so often while he's down there. His first report back is below, so check it out, and wish him well.

Convention News: Everfree discount, BCon guests: Heather Breckel, Tony Fleecs

Everfree is announcing a Hearth's Wamring discount for badges at 10% today, and are including a special video for you to check out. Also, BronyCon is announcing Heather Breckle and Tony Fleecs will be attending. They work on the official comic series, and this will be Breckel's return trip to BornyCon.See more specific information below.

21 December 2013

BronyCon 2013 Review! Wait, WAT?!

Yeah, this is accurate.
I have two things to give to you my fellow bronies. One of them is an apology, and the other one is a 4 month late BronyCon 2013 review. If your wondering if this post is still worth your time being late and all, I'd say it is, because no one anywhere in the fandom wrote a review like this... There was probably a reason for that though.

19 December 2013

Convention News: BronyCon 2014 Volunteers

BronyCon Opens Staff Volunteer Applications
Baltimore, Md. - It takes hundreds of staff to make the world’s largest brony convention tick, and BronyCon wants your help. As of today, applications for staff volunteers are officially open. Not only is volunteering for BronyCon a great way to get involved behind the scenes and make some friends, but staff also receive free admission to the con, as well as a cool t-shirt! If you want to lend a hand, head over to http://bronycon.org/about/volunteer/ to see how you can help.

[FOBEQ Edit: This one's short and sweet, no additional info beyond the above release]
[Saunter Hoof]

17 December 2013

Songs for the Troops #027 - Learning from the Best - Neighsayer

Surprisingly, NOT a shipfic cover! I know right?! 100% innocent picture of Twilight Sparkle learning to fly with Rainbow Dash, accompanied by a quaint song by Neighsayer to capture the moment. Ahhhh... Relaxing...

14 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Castle Mania" - 3

This week we have Fluttershy's letter to Princess Celestia (seeing as no-one informed her it would be read by Luna too. Enjoy!

05 December 2013

Musical Critique #003 - Run, Shoot, Kill... and Cry (By The Living Tombstone)

Hehehe... Really Commander?... You want me to eh... Review a Tombstone song?... Oh boy... Well, here we go, let me get my Kevlar first. Alright, lets just get this over with.

01 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Princess Twilight Sparkle" - 1 & 2

Well hello everypony!  Ever since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stopped getting mail, all of us here at the FOB wanted to help them out just a little bit.  After all, the friendship letters stopped somewhere back in Season Three, and since our favorite colorful equines are a bit busy saving the universe, it falls to us in the Royal Guard to do things as trivial as paperwork.  After the break, find PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle's letter to her former teacher about Season Four, Episodes One and Two.

28 November 2013

RoTLcon 2013 Review


Held in Thorton, CO (actually Denver, but we here in Colorado feel the need to sub-name sections of the city), the Running of the Leaves Convention provided a chance for all the locals to meet up and spend some quality time with what unites us all: love for small, colorful equines!  Catch the details of the event after the break.

27 November 2013

Artist Outlines #002: JoafTheLoaf

It's time to make some toast! What?.. It sings? Holy Cadence! According to intel we have a singing loaf of bread on Artist Outlines today... Intel is never wrong. Let's make some sandwiches.

24 November 2013

Episode Review: "Mmmystery on the Friendship Express"

Those eeeeeyyyyyyeeeesssssssss..........

All aboard the ham train! Commander Firebrand teams up with The Autarch of the Chaos Theatre to deliver your daily dosage of overreacting reviews!

He wishes to let you know he does this because he loves you. And loves talking in third person. As usual, hit the jump for the latest episode plus all links to previous ones!

04 November 2013

Mission Briefing: FOB Equestria Does Dallas

Wow, it's been a busy fall our most of the FOB staff (as you can probably tell from our lack of activity). It's time to start ponying up again, with the new season right around the corner.

Our first line of business is doing a little invading of Texas and hit Nightmare Nights in Dallas. We hope you can join us and maybe we can take over some more Irish bars.

See our plans below.

03 November 2013

Songs for the Troops #026 - (Super Spooky Edition) - Thriller - Applebloom & BlackGryph0n

It's that time of year again everyone. The time of year where jam pancakes are hung from strings and you have to eat them blindfolded. Or the time of year when someone throws an onion into the woods and you have to find it!...

No-one?... Cripes, you guys missed out.

02 November 2013

Fan Fiction Review #49: Antipodes

A long time fan-favorite and among the first of 100k+ word MLP fanfics, Antipodes (that's pronounced an-ti-poe-dees for those of you who are like me and thought it was pronounced phonetically) gives a fresh take on the post-apocalypse Equestria.

Author: PK
Set in the far future after Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished and the sun and moon froze in the sky, Antipodes is the story of two ponies thrust out into the harsh new world on an adventure to uncover what happened to the world so long ago.

I've had this story recommended and lauded to me by more bronies than I can count.  So does it measure up to all that the masses say about it?  Find out after the break!

29 October 2013

Fan Fiction Review #48: Sorcicular Fornication

Talk about eye candy!

Author: darf

Princess Twilight Sparkle is tired of being a stunningly attractive spinster, so she decides to ask out the pony of her desires (whom she decides is Applejack). As is par for the course, things don't go exactly as planned, but Twilight learns valuable lessons about magic and friendship in the process.

Is this tale of unbridled passion good, or is it soooo un-rainbow? Grab your Applnese-to-English dictionary and click through to find out!

23 October 2013

Fan Fiction Review #047: Wild, Sweet, and Cool


I've seen a lot of things that look shippy, but this one puts on a reflective belt and yells 'TWIDASH' in my face.

Author: Kwakerjak
After reading a book by Spitfire's personal trainer, Rainbow Dash decides that the best way to get closer to her ultimate goal of joining the Wonderbolts is to add strength training to her practices by having one of her friends ride her. However, when she decides that Twilight Sparkle is just the mare for the job, the pegasus gets a bit more than she bargained for.
I guess it's my job to do just a bit more than freak out at a cover art and try to start a Pinkie mob, though I'll have you know this only got read on direct orders.  They banish ponies here.. anyways, catch the breakdown after the break!

22 October 2013

Songs for the Troops #025 - Royal Fanfare

Ah, stiff upper lip chap, today on Musical pieces for the Officers abroad, we shall be looking at a delightfully unknown artist in the pony loving fandom.

I'll stop now. Anyway, today we will be looking at 'Royal Fanfare', a military brony from the United States Air Force band.

17 October 2013

Fan Fiction Review #046: Kiss of the Dark

Drama, Drama, Drama...

Author: Soothing Stone
King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.
He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.
And it will all begin...with a book.

This one has a bit of interesting history. It's really one of those things where if you really take something seriously enough, it can have a strong impact on yourself and those around you, no matter how trivial it may seem. This fanfiction apparently made the author, and I quote from him, "[go] through tons of emotions, [lose] faith in the fandom then [gain] it back, and so forth."

Wow. This seems like touchy territory that I should tread carefully on.



23 September 2013

New shipment of FOB Equestria Challenge Coins

Due to popular demand, we've ordered another batch of the challenge coins and put them up for sale. Only 80 are on sale this time, so get them while they are available.

We've also made a proper storefront this time, located at store.fobequestria.com


19 September 2013

Convention News: Nightmare Nights announces Jayson Thiessen

Our friends in Dallas announce yet another guest to their convention. We're told that this is the final one, but they keep popping up like moles. Jayson Thiessen adds to the mix of an already impressive show production guest lineup.

FOB Equestria is also working closely with the con organizers to do some fun things. If you are heading there, be sure to keep a lookout for us!

Announcement below with some additional info.

18 September 2013

Convention News: Everfree Northwest 2014 Seeking Staff

Whew, this summers con season was a doozy! Now that it's all over though, it's time to get cranking on next summers con season. Everfree Northwest is looking for some manpower to get them going with another year.

Check it out below!

BronyCon 2013 Press Interviews

Hello Everypony,

Miche here. With the excitement of BronyCon come and gone, and that our lives have finally settled back in. We've got some great press interviews from BronyCon lined up that you may be excited to hear about. Interviews with Nicole Oliver, M.A. Larson, Michelle Creber, and more! Come take a look after the break.

16 September 2013

Songs for the Troops #024 - DJ Pon-3

Boom! Or rather... Bass... Anyway! Today on 'Songs for the Troops' we will be looking at - at the request of a very special Norwegian staff member no less - the now Official DJ PON-3!
 So without further ado, let's do it.

11 September 2013

Remembrance: 09.11.2001

It's been been twelve years since this image was shot.  For some of us that wasn't too long ago, for some of us, we were barely old enough to remember.  There is no questioning that the attacks of September 11th, 2001 were the most emotionally scarring moments for the United States of America in recent years.  Since then, many nations have taken up arms, lives have been given, and wars have been fought.  May we remember the sacrifice of those who worked to save lives on that day, and ever since.

08 September 2013

Convention News: Nightmare Nights Announce G.M. Berrow

The con down south keeps adding to the awesome and they've tacked on G.M. Berrow to their guest list, the writer of the new MLP: FiM novels.

Check out the announcement below and a few friendly reminders.

01 September 2013

Musical Critique #002 - "The Moon Rises (By PonyPhonic - EileMontyVA's Cover)"


Behold, an EileMontyVA review! Today we are going to have a look at "The Moon Rises", which is an atmospheric soundtrack piece; originally written and performed by "PonyPhonic".
We have a lot of ground to cover on this one, so let's get started!

29 August 2013

Fan Fiction Review #45: Don't Knock It Till You Try It


Gee, I wonder what the moral is?

Author: Maphysto
When Rarity and Rainbow Dash discover that they disagree on a point close to their hearts, they decide to settle their differences the only way two mature mares can: by forcing each other to embarrass themselves.
A fanfiction involving Rainbow Dash and Rarity that doesn't involve shipping? That's certainly uncommon. Let's see if it's any good.

28 August 2013

Convention News: DerpyCon South and RotLCon

DerpyCon South

'Sup bronies? We got a bit a convention news for the upcoming autumn months. In this post is information about special deals offered by both of these conventions. Hit that jump now because one of these deals is only available for a short while longer!

27 August 2013

FOB Equestria Gaming night #28 (FEGN)

GTR goes back to school. Yay!
First off guys and gals sorry I have been slacking. It's been awhile out of Bronycon and I am just now getting settled into my new apartment. For those of you that don't know I just got out of the Army back in June and now I'm a proud student of the University of North Dakota. But enough about that on to the important stuff GAMING!!! (following the break)

23 August 2013

Fan Fiction Review #044: The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs

Ponies with guns? Seems legit...

Author: Dusk Quill
When Private Fleethoof recognized his dream and joined the Royal Guard, he never thought he would ever experience the might of Equestria's military firsthand. But when Equestria's safety is threatened by an old enemy, he'll find out just what sacrifices war and survival demand, and what it truly means to serve for Princess and country, and just how important some friendships can be. See the war through the eye-witness account of a soldier on the frontline, all taken from one enduring journal. 
Can the Drill Sergeant stand reading a story about a Private long enough to give it its due? Find out after the jump!

17 August 2013

Songs for the Troops #023 - Neighsayer

Hey guys! Just me bringing you some stuff that I think is great, and with any luck, you will soon agree with me and continue to read these posts! Today we are gonna be looking at 'Neighsayer/FurtherProof' who is a "15-year-old Australian guy who makes music", and very good music at that! 

08 August 2013

Convention News: August 8: Nightmare Nights

Although some of you are still recovering from BronyCon and GalaCon, do not forget that Nightmare Nights is still coming up in November. They've released the Vendor List, Media list, and the status of nearby hotels. Sounds quite considerate of them if you ask me.

Rumor Control #001: Mando Joins USCG

Loose Lips Sink Friendshipsby *kefkafloyd


Mando Pony has been alleged to have joined the United States Coast Gaurd.

This is false. He has done no such thing.

Therefore, he can not be legitimately called, "a boot".



06 August 2013

FOB Equestria Presents: Drill Sergeant Creber

More fun from BronyCon 2013! This time, a recording of Drill Sergent Michelle Creber giving FOB Equestria. Check it out, as well as a fan recorded one below.

FOB Equestria Presents: Jungle & Pvt. Fluttershy

We are back from BronyCon, and we have our panel animations up! After the break is Pony Figure Therapy and the story of Private Fluttershy.

01 August 2013



31 July 2013

Bronycon Safety Brief

Bronycon is at the end of the week, so you know what that means! Eeyup, horseshoe it around me, take a knee, and drink water. It's time for the safety brief.

Grab your reflective belt and click through for more!

29 July 2013

Military Bronies Panel At BronyCon 2013

It is so on...

FOB Equestria, Military Bronies Facebook, and anyone else we can squeeze in, are going to be at the Military Bronies Panel at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 2nd! Get more info after the break!

NOTE: Had to fix the date of the meet up.

Artist Outlines #001: Feather

Our newest UK staff member Aetherious is interviewing "Feather" for his first artist outline interview. He covers a bit of Feather's biography, her collaborations, and her venture into the music side of things. She will be attending BronyCon this year to make sure to take a look out for her!

27 July 2013

SITREP #048: Military Bronies in the News

I can't make this up.

So this just waltzed into our inbox. And we all remember the whole unapproved patches issue from last year. Except this is an APPROVED patch.  This is the real, totally legit, certified by PAO, unit patch of the Joint Undergraduate Specialized Pilot Class 14-05, as reported by Robert Beckhusen at Medium.com. 

Additionally, there are two more articles about the Fort Carlson bronies!

Check them out after the break!

25 July 2013

Review: Children of the Night

Wow. It seems like it was forever since we first saw the animatic for Children of the Night.

Oh wait, it was.

Author: Duo Cartoonist

Children of the Night  tells the tale of what woud have been the origin of Nightmare Night, and the catalyst element that forced Celestia to banish Luna. 

After defeating Discord, Canterlot was witnessing a very slow recovery. Misery could still be found everywhere around, specially for the ponies that had less means. 

Luna thought that expanding the kingdom and founding a new pony colony elsewhere would give a solution to the problem, allowing the ponies that she would choose for the matter, a new brand future. Celestia refused the proposal of her sister to scatter Equestria. For after such a great lack of harmony she thought it could shatter the kingdom forever. 

Being denied and in the shadow of her own sister, Luna decided it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...

Was it worth the year-long wait? Find out after the jump!

Convention News: July 24: Bronycon & Nightmare Nights

BronyCon is just moments away and they are going to have a live stream up for all of us non-attendees to watch, also, Nightmare Nights in Dallas is announcing it's vendors and artist alley.

24 July 2013

FEGN #29 Halo 4 (Xbox 360)

By: *ParallaxMLP
Sorry guys this has been me over the past week and a half. Just got my Internet hooked up so gaming night is back on! Time for some more Halo 4 more info and other fun stuff after the break!

Convention News: July 23: BronyCon


BronyCon Masquerade Talent Show

Have you found your special talent and care to share it with everyone at the largest brony gathering in the world?

Now is your chance at the BronyCon Masquerade! The masquerade is a multifaceted talent show where you can showcase your special talent whether it is singing, comedy, dance or whatever it is you feel is worth sharing.

To take part in the BronyCon Masquerade, fill out this form. The talent show is noncompetitve, so there will be no judging or prizes--just good fun and entertainment. So come out to Baltimore, Md., this Aug. 2-4 to show the fandom what your special talent is!

(It was a short announcement, -Saunter Hoof)