27 August 2013

FOB Equestria Gaming night #28 (FEGN)

GTR goes back to school. Yay!
First off guys and gals sorry I have been slacking. It's been awhile out of Bronycon and I am just now getting settled into my new apartment. For those of you that don't know I just got out of the Army back in June and now I'm a proud student of the University of North Dakota. But enough about that on to the important stuff GAMING!!! (following the break)
 Ah like I said gaming right! This weekend I plan on booting up the ole classic Halo 4 the new DLC came out and I'm looking to try it out. I've also been eyeing my Defiance again so if anyone has that and would rather play that I am totally down. Start time will be the standard 1700 Zulu or 1100 CST Saturday for people like myself. Hopefully school doesn't weigh in on gaming nights but I think we can make it work! Look forward to seeing everyone there!

And in other news I finally have my offical OC! Everyone meet Shot Group!
I know he needs his CM but its coming. Unless anyone knows how to make a Xbox 360 remote and a Tavor rifle vector that small its going to be a minute (YES MICHE IF YOU SEE THIS 360 REMOTES FTW!)

Well guys thats it for this weekend my Gamer Tag is GTRBlackhawk if you don't have me added yet. Please feel free to invite other friends as well! Look forward to Saturday! Remember keep Calm and Brony on!