17 December 2013

Songs for the Troops #027 - Learning from the Best - Neighsayer

Surprisingly, NOT a shipfic cover! I know right?! 100% innocent picture of Twilight Sparkle learning to fly with Rainbow Dash, accompanied by a quaint song by Neighsayer to capture the moment. Ahhhh... Relaxing...

Where to begin, where to begin. First off, I love upbeat music, happy stuff, stuff that makes you feel good. No, I'm not have a breakdown, and I'm not having a mid-life crisis, (not yet anyway, bit early) songs that make you feel good are GOOD. The seemingly common rule that says 'a song has to have a sad/deep undertone to it to be good' is an absolute fallacy. I'm not saying that sad/deep music is bad but... There are other great things out there. 

But for now let us put my views on musical culture aside. This song, speaking technically, is a godsend. The entrance and continued use of piano was fantastic to listen to, accompanied by a light and cheery melody. Easily distinguishable beginning, middle, bridge, and end. It flows easier than a river down a mountain. Not to mention.

Just another great mellow piece from Neighsayer, let there be many more. Thanks for reading, as always I have been Aetherious aaaaaaand.....

 Semper Filly!

Please remember that pirating music with a YouTube video down-loader is Illegal, if an artist would like to be paid for taking the time they do to make their works of art, respect that and give even a small amount on their respective Bandcamp.