08 September 2013

Convention News: Nightmare Nights Announce G.M. Berrow

The con down south keeps adding to the awesome and they've tacked on G.M. Berrow to their guest list, the writer of the new MLP: FiM novels.

Check out the announcement below and a few friendly reminders.

Nightmare Nights Dallas is proud to announce another guest! G. M. Berrow, author of the young reader novel series including “Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell”, will be attending as a guest of honor. In support of St. Jude she is attending at her own expense! Apparently the G stands for Generous! 

Since the convention itself is only 60 days out, the window to submit panel ideas is rapidly closing! You can submit them here- http://goo.gl/qKwoMN - but only until the 20th!

Likewise our dance and live music set submission window is closing. You can submit your musical sets or live music auditions to av@nightmarenights.net until September 20th. Performers selected to be on stage will have their badges comped. The dance will be run on Friday night, with live music and a late night dance on Saturday night. If you’re interested in either, drop us a line.

Additionally, we are still looking for Nationally Certified EMTs. All applicants must be NREMT registered at a minimum of the “EMT” level. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry, this request doesn’t apply to you.

We’re looking for a minimum of 5 EMTs to ensure consistent coverage. All who are taken on as staff will receive a compensated badge to the event. Interested, or know someone who fits the bill? Email haybuck@nightmarenights.net with your application. Please be sure to include the following information in your message.
Provider Level
Expiration Date
Proof of Certification
List of State Certifications (if any)
Convention EMS Experience (if any)

As a final note, ticket prices increase $10 on October 16th. Register early to save some cash and help the convention out.