HQ Staff

Here follows the current staff members of FOB Equestria:

Name: Commander Firebrand
Role: Commander of FOB Equestria
Service: United States Marine Corps
Bio: Enlisted in the Marine Corps in December 2010, he is currently stationed in Cherry Point, North Carolina. He is a musician for the Second Marine Aircraft Wing Fleet Band, and plays trombone. Also owns a relatively successful YouTube channel under alias "joshscorcher."

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Name: Captain Sky Cruncher aka kingharald
Role: Executive Officer and Webmaster
Service: Norwegian Cyber Command
Bio: Began as a conscripted Private back in 2006 where I was a lowly guard soldier for a unit specializing in cyber warfare and electronic security. I stayed after my conscription year was over and did another year as a Sergeant in the same unit. I'm currently working in a civilian position in said unit so I can attend college. Also a part of the Norwegian National Guard.

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Name: Captain Saunter Hoof
Role: FOB Head of Moderators and Mail Clerk
Service: United States Marine Corps
Bio: Served 6 years enlisted in USMC, one tour in Afghanistan, one in Iraq, Comm Bubba: Data Dink. Currently in College.

Name: Captain Navron/Navy Brony
Role: FOB Public Relations Representative
Service: United States Navy
Contact: navybrony@gmail.com
Bio: Enlisted in the Navy in July of 2006.  Reenlisted in 2012.  Stationed in Norfolk, VA as a Rescue Swimmer and Crew Chief for the MH-60S helicopter.  Joined the fandom in July of 2011 after deployment, primarily focusing on music and video editing.

Name:Captain Miche
Role:FOB Head of Content Division
Service:United States Marine Corps
Bio:MOS is a Data Network Specialist; Geek Squad of the Marine Corps. Hobbies include psychology, gaming, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and long walks on the beach.

Name:Captain Spangle
Role:FOB Head of Literature Division
Service:United States Air Force
Bio:Joined the USAF right out of high school in 2008. Currently enlisted as a SrA (E-4) with goals to commission as an officer. AFSC is 2A631B: fixing turboprop/shaft engines. Stationed at Little Rock AFB, AR. Enjoys doing a little bit of everything, which is why he has a dozen half-completed projects. Likes to keep busy.

Name:Captain Aetherious
Role:FOB Head of Music Division
Service:2 Highlanders Senior Instructor
Bio:Works as a Senior instructor for 2 Highlanders ACF. Hoping to gain qualifications and work for GCHQ in a few years time. Enjoys coffee.

Want to join the staff? 

We are currently on the lookout for:

-No Openings Available At This Time

If you feel you might be able to contribute, give us a quick rundown and we will consider your application.

Contact us here: fobequestria@gmail.com