17 August 2013

Songs for the Troops #023 - Neighsayer

Hey guys! Just me bringing you some stuff that I think is great, and with any luck, you will soon agree with me and continue to read these posts! Today we are gonna be looking at 'Neighsayer/FurtherProof' who is a "15-year-old Australian guy who makes music", and very good music at that! 

Neighsayer has published alot of instrumentals, first and foremost 'Finding a Way Out', a mellow instrumental made to accompany Twilight Sparkle waking up in the crystal caves beneath Canterlot. 

Giving the best of both worlds now with one of Neighsayer's collaborations! Namely with Feather, she needs to stop cropping up in FOBEQ every time I try to do something musical. Anyway, 'Hide & Seek' is a collaboration between Neighsayer and Feather, yet another mellow and reflective piece to soundtrack the citizens of the Crystal Empire waking up after 1000 years in stasis. I have listened to this SO many damn times and is one of my favorite pieces of brony music ever!

Thanks very much for reading guys, and I hope you enjoy the music, please give positive feedback to these artists and if not positive, make the criticism constructive!This is Aetherious telling ya'll, Semper Filly.

Please remember that pirating music with a YouTube video down-loader is Illegal, if an artist would like to be paid for taking the time they do to make their works of art, respect that and give even a small amount on their Bandcamps.