04 November 2013

Mission Briefing: FOB Equestria Does Dallas

Wow, it's been a busy fall our most of the FOB staff (as you can probably tell from our lack of activity). It's time to start ponying up again, with the new season right around the corner.

Our first line of business is doing a little invading of Texas and hit Nightmare Nights in Dallas. We hope you can join us and maybe we can take over some more Irish bars.

See our plans below.
Currently we are looking at around 3 staff members going, so obviously our resources will be more limited than what we had at BronyCon. Luckily, a couple of us are on the staff of the con itself and this we have gained a few insider benefits.

One of those is that we will be hosting a panel in the Large Panel Room on Saturday at 14:30 (2:30PM). We may be in need for panelists for that, so look us up if you are interested.

We're also looking to have some off the books events if we get enough people. Can't tell you what it is, but please link up with us if you are there so we can evaluate the situation.

Lastly, we will be doing our regular convention intelligence, trying to get interviews and doing a con debrief (if you are wondering what happened to the BronyCon one, it exists, but still lacks completion. It will be done eventually.)