23 October 2013

Fan Fiction Review #047: Wild, Sweet, and Cool


I've seen a lot of things that look shippy, but this one puts on a reflective belt and yells 'TWIDASH' in my face.

Author: Kwakerjak
After reading a book by Spitfire's personal trainer, Rainbow Dash decides that the best way to get closer to her ultimate goal of joining the Wonderbolts is to add strength training to her practices by having one of her friends ride her. However, when she decides that Twilight Sparkle is just the mare for the job, the pegasus gets a bit more than she bargained for.
I guess it's my job to do just a bit more than freak out at a cover art and try to start a Pinkie mob, though I'll have you know this only got read on direct orders.  They banish ponies here.. anyways, catch the breakdown after the break!

Wild, Sweet, and Cool (Word Count: 34, 743)

Alright, this entire review needs one peremptory note before you read any further.  THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS ABSOLUTELY NO SHIPPING, GUARANTEED.  Seriously.  Even though the cover just screams shipping, there is none.  This story is a comedy with just a slight hint of "d'awww."  So, how did it hold up?

The premise behind this story is about a topic near and dear to the hearts of every military brony out there: PT.  When strength training just isn't enough, add more weight.  When running isn't enough, add more weight.  When flying isn't enough for Rainbow Dash, she decides Twilight might be able to help. Actually, Twilight is supposed to be her 'pilot' or 'rider'.  In theory, Dash will be able to focus just on flying if she has a rider to sit up top in the saddle and give her directions on where to go.

Hold on.  The self-proclaimed 'best flier in Equestria' doesn't have it in her noggin to manage her own loops and twirls?  The same one that won the 'Best Young Flier Competition' and is in training for the Wonderbolts (ok, so that second one came after this story was written, but still)?  I'm not quite sure I believe it.  Stunt pilots in the Air Force fly their darn planes with a joystick!  That's one hand.  Rainbow dash on the other hand has an entire body feeding her back all she needs to know about her flight-and she'd been doing this since she was a little filly.  Oh, and hold on again.  She's flying with another pony on her back?  For those of you who don't ruck, going with forty pounds is enough to take me from a seven minute mile to a ten minute mile on a six mile run.  I really can't imagine what carrying my own body weight (160 lbs) on my back would do to me, but apparently Dash keeps going as if it is nothing.  Not only did I suspend my disbelief, I stabbed it, shot it, and ran over it a few times with the car before I could keep reading.

Moving past that, there is some pretty legit stuff about flying involved.  It was almost like sitting in Aerospace 101, but with ponies instead of crudely drawn planes.  The author goes into some of the science, and glosses over parts of it (which really ground my gears, but I have to admit wouldn't make or break the story), and even invents a few tidbits of his own head-canon about how the sonic rainboom works.  It was readable, but honestly kind of dull for the first few chapters.  I guess that's why when the comedy hit, it slapped me across the face hard.

Once I'd finished picking up my teeth, I found this story to be laughably entertaining while hitting all the classic items of a fic centered around Rainbow Dash: issues asking for help, Wonderbolt angst, extreme need for speed, and the occasional spot of friendship trouble.  The original artwork in the piece really helped bring it to life, and add to the the laughter.  Best of all was the diagram for a race course, allowing me get a good idea of exactly what the author was describing when he rattled off turns and climbs.  Oh and, you will encounter the word Twi-Dash in the story.  Again, no shipping involved.  Pinkie Promise.

As a whole, this story is probably worth your time to read.  If you do, I'd start it over lunch or a cup of coffee, so you have a little something to hold you over until the second half of chapter five, at which point I'd highly advise removing all food or liquid matter in your mouth (in interest of the cleanliness of your monitor).

Likes:                                                                  Dislikes:
Comedy Electrum (or maybe Gold)                         Incomplete or flawed discussion of physics
Dash and Twilight well in character                         Slow start
Original art                                                           Sketchy Cover Art
Diagrams (I love diagrams)                                
Occasional knocks at politics

Overall Rating: 8/10
I'd recommend to anyone in a heartbeat, but I probably won't be reading it again.
TLDR: Read it, and remember to breathe.

I notice I've become far more ready to criticize writing in an unfriendly manner now that I've really gotten into writing.  Darn side effects.  This is 'red Sage, saying Simper Filly, and good night!