16 September 2013

Songs for the Troops #024 - DJ Pon-3

Boom! Or rather... Bass... Anyway! Today on 'Songs for the Troops' we will be looking at - at the request of a very special Norwegian staff member no less - the now Official DJ PON-3!
 So without further ado, let's do it.


Now it goes without saying that DJ PON-3 is so damn cold. So let's drop this sh**!
I'll stop now. So let's start out with a few things that I think are a must have for anypony who likes dubstep. Best till' last?! Buck no! The best first! So, first we have a very pushy dubstep track titled 'Face to Face'.

 Hnnnnnggg, and I don't mean the 'dat plot' type of hnnnnnggg, I mean the holyposeidonthistrackflowswell type of hnnnnnggg. Putting crude mannerisms aside, this track is like liquid. It easily transitions from one part to another with not a sound out of place, and for not being a particularly animated video, the visuals were pretty pleasing.
Fact: (Vinyl Scratch in this video had more screen time than King Sombre over the duration of two episodes.)

Moving swiftly on now to a remix rather than completely original song as you need to get the best of both worlds... That one wasn't pony related. Don't judge me.
Anyway, seeing as DJ-PON3 does original songs and remixes I might as well talk about both. The remix in question is... a.. Lady Gaga song...

Don't you dare ignore it and start on the next paragraph! It's actually pretty comfortable to listen to. The bridge at 1:50 is actually really easy on the ears, buuuut of course the bass MUST drop within the next 30 seconds or we will have died of suspence. The only complaint I have is the abrupt ending. I personally would like to have heard a mic hitting the ground or a plug being pulled. But it hardly takes away from the rest of the song.

Overall, DJ PON-3 has proven to be the one and only, and deserves a folder on your PC!
As always, I have been Aetherious.

            Semper Filly!

Please remember that pirating music with a YouTube video down-loader is Illegal, if an artist would like to be paid for taking the time they do to make their works of art, respect that and give even a small amount on their respective Bandcamp.