29 July 2013

Military Bronies Panel At BronyCon 2013

It is so on...

FOB Equestria, Military Bronies Facebook, and anyone else we can squeeze in, are going to be at the Military Bronies Panel at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 2nd! Get more info after the break!

NOTE: Had to fix the date of the meet up.

The panel is going to be kind of a big deal our panelists will be:
Saunter Hoof
Commander Firebrand
Tweak (Jake The Army Guy)
Rainbow Dash (not related to the actual Rainbow Dash)
Saber (Acer Spacer)
Bling Wing

We will be showing off a fantastic set of animations we've had commissioned, just for the panel. As well as some information about the run we are doing the next day, and some generalized chaos in the Q&A section, which I expect to be hi-larious.

Additionally, there will be a charity run the following day (assuming your not hung over) for the Casey Cares charity. There will be media at that event so you will look your best for it: http://www.fobequestria.com/2013/07/sitrep-047-military-brony-run.html You can still register AT the run, you won't have to pre-register, it will just cost more.

Before the panel will be a short march into the convention room either during or immeately after opening ceremonies. Email FOBEquestria@gmail.com to try and register for it, time is running out.

Finally, on Thursday, July 31 Friday, August 2, there will be a general military bronies meetup at "Quills and Sofas" at 5pm.

Remember, Friday at 1000 is the panel. Glow belts are optional, but generalized awesomeness is mandatory.