27 November 2013

Artist Outlines #002: JoafTheLoaf

It's time to make some toast! What?.. It sings? Holy Cadence! According to intel we have a singing loaf of bread on Artist Outlines today... Intel is never wrong. Let's make some sandwiches.

Jokes about intel aside. I had the great privilege of talk to an amazing person and musician. Joaf has been making music in the brony community for over a year now and has collaborated with big names such as "Megaphoric" and "Feather". We talk to Joaf a little bit about his biography, inspiration and future album/EP plans for the coming year. I just wished I'd kept recording for the 35 minutes after the interview - although less informal - it was a laugh! 

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed recording it! Joaf should be re-releasing some of his earlier work such as Swing Tavi Swing before Christmas! To keep up to date on that you can follow him on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Joaftheloaf And to keep up to date on all FOBEQ artist outline posts you can follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Aetherious

As always I have been Aetherious and,
Semper Filly!