28 August 2013

Convention News: DerpyCon South and RotLCon

DerpyCon South

'Sup bronies? We got a bit a convention news for the upcoming autumn months. In this post is information about special deals offered by both of these conventions. Hit that jump now because one of these deals is only available for a short while longer!

Location: Denver, Colorado
Date: 31 Oct - 3 Nov
Deal: Anyone who reserves a hotel room will receive an upgrade to their convention badge to allow them such features as early admittance to the Dealers Hall and other events. For all details, visit both the VENUE page and REGISTRATION page of the RotLCon website.

Convention: DerpyCon South
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: 4 Oct - 6 Oct
Deal: LIMITED TIME REMAINING! Anyone who makes a reservation at the convention hotel will have their badge upgraded to "Sponsor Status" giving benefits like front of the line access and early/priority registration. For more details, go to the announcement page HERE.

For those of you wondering "What's the big deal about hotel rooms?" I'll explain it short, sweet, and simple: they help the convention.

Sure, there are benefits to you (like less travel time, cheap parking... room parties maybe?) but having people occupy rooms at convention center hotels does a lot to support the convention and help make it a success. A lot of con centers allow these event organizers to rent the space based on the understanding that a certain number of hotel rooms will be filled. If they aren't, then the con center is going to alter the deal, most likely to make the convention significantly more costly to the organizers.

So get with some buddies, split a room and support those cons!
Umm, if you can, that is... they'd really appreciate it. If you can't, I understand...