24 December 2013

Greetings from Antarctica! The Frozen Brony: Day 1

The Frozen Brony

 Good news bronies!

Our literature review pony Dizziestbeef has been deployed... to ANTARCTICA. He is now (as far as I am concerned after doing no research) THE SOUTHERN MOST BRONY EVER. He'll be doing a bit of a blog every so often while he's down there. His first report back is below, so check it out, and wish him well.

For those of you who do not know, the Air Force recently deployed me to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

For the Duration of my stay here I will be making certain posts, from down here on the bottom of the world. Either with certain important things, like here, my first day, and other things, like if they send me to the pole. If i go to the pole, I have something very special planned.

For now I have a simple little message for all you nice people.

It is actually rather nice here, temps running just below freezing. The twenty four hours of sunlight is something to get used to, but it helps being on night shift. McMurdo itself is on the base of a mountain, and as you can see there is no snow on the area we are.

So all in all, right now I love this place. Warmer than back home in Minnesota, always sunny, nice people....I am Guard after all, and that pesky hole in the ozone layer, threatening to give me sunburn.

For now though, I bid you all Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and all that nonsense. Keep an eye on the site for future updates from the frozen brony.

LT Dizziestbeef

[Editor's note - dizzy needs an OC, I couldn't think of a better opportunity to make him one while he's down there. Maybe fighting windigos or something. He doesn't mind how you draw him as long as he's a pegasi with silver eyes, and a crossed box end wrench with a screwdriver  as a cutie mark]