Our Mission

06 July 2012

Greetings bronies and non-bronies,
We are FOB Equestria, a website of active and non-active armed forces personnel gathered together from all over the world under a single banner. We are members of the military, and we love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Seems contradictory doesn’t it? We do not believe so. Our mission as military bronies is to help stop the stigma that My Little Pony is for little girls and that it’s wrong for anyone outside this demographic to enjoy the show. This is a show about values, good values, that every person young and old should know and adhere by. Bronies are not detrimental to society and we are not antisocial basement dwellers. Just look at us. We can march for 12 miles with 90 pounds on our backs. We can kill a man from 500 yards away. We can tell you the difference between a 5,56 mm NATO round and a 12,7 mm AP round. We can take apart aircraft engines and put them back together again. We drive things that are bigger than your house. We can still perform our jobs adequately, and being a fan of this show changes nothing. If anything, it makes our lives better and makes us forget the hardships we sometimes have to face. The military has many ideals in common with the Elements of Harmony. Traits like Honesty, Loyalty, and basic comradery are paramount values to the common soldier. These traits promote strong displays of comradery between very different personalities. In the military, you get people from all over the country, even from all over the world, together. People of differing backgrounds, ancestry, beliefs, personalities, and these people suddenly have to work together towards a common goal. We see the same sort of comradery displayed in the show, and that’s part of the reason we love it so much. We’re also sure a lot of you military bronies can feel pretty lonely out there. During BronyCon 2012, 50+ military bronies gathered together and shared their life experiences with each other over an excellent lunch provided by the BronyCon Documentary. This let us know that we were not alone. Our mission with this website is to gather all military bronies and to let them know that they too have someone to share their experiences and feelings with. And someone that has your back when you get picked on. We are also here to stop a growing trend in perception of the military. Most people see the common military member as a heartless, insensitive, screaming lunatic firing weapons off in random directions and killing everyone who doesn’t agree with them. The military is more than that. We have feelings, emotions, hopes, dreams, and families we love and cherish. Some of us even watch a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Laughter in our comradery and overcoming our hardships together.

Kindness to our allies and non-combatants and mercy to our enemies.

Generosity in dealing with the less fortunate, sacrificing ourselves for others.

Honesty and integrity in our actions bringing honor to us all.

Loyalty to our country and fellow soldier.

The Magic of Friendship that unites us all.


-Commander Firebrand