03 November 2013

Songs for the Troops #026 - (Super Spooky Edition) - Thriller - Applebloom & BlackGryph0n

It's that time of year again everyone. The time of year where jam pancakes are hung from strings and you have to eat them blindfolded. Or the time of year when someone throws an onion into the woods and you have to find it!...

No-one?... Cripes, you guys missed out.

Apparently it's also the time of year the rare-dancing-Gryphon shows up in the woods around Vancouver. I expect the Discovery Channel to provide coverage next year, but until then we must all wait patiently to see...

It would appear someone caught this rare creature and his co-Hort (possibly younger sibling/there are more!?) Michelle dancing in the streets of Vancouver.

To be honest, I was surprised at how well the video was choreographed. I mean, the video went from 'concept to creation in under a week' according to Michelle Creber; and for the ammount of time given the end product was very satisfying.

Now anyway, what am I doing talking about dancing? What do you think I am Commander Firebrand? Private Dancer? Dancer for money? Any old music will do!?

Let's get the hell back on track. Get it?... It's Hallow'een...
Moving swiftly on, as you can expect from a Creber-Brown collaboration, the vocals are exceptional. Although I think soon Gryph may run out of Michael Jackson songs to cover; and that will be a sad day. Here's the video with more pony.


Wait... Baasik... Nathanael Brown...  Naval Academy... Worked on a pony related project... Military Brony? Yay! And a talented one at that! Baasik produced the backing track and mix that was released on Gryphy's channel. One word that sums up this song. FUNKY. There is no other word. Gabe and Michelle outdid themselves with the vocals, and Baasik married that perfectly with an 80's synth beat. Hnnnnnng.

BlackGryph0n will be attending CANterlot con in Toronto on November 12th, so be sure to look out for him and get yo'self a brohoof; if Gryphons can even give them...

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this seasonal piece and I look forward to the (hopefully) innumerable number of Gryph-Bloom collabs!

As always I have been Aetherious,

                     Semper Filly!

Hey Gryph? Where can I get me one of those Jackets?... You know, with the silver studs?... No reason...

Please remember that pirating music with a YouTube video down-loader is Illegal, if an artist would like to be paid for taking the time they do to make their works of art, respect that and give even a small amount on their respective Bandcamp.