14 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Castle Mania" - 3

This week we have Fluttershy's letter to Princess Celestia (seeing as no-one informed her it would be read by Luna too. Enjoy!

          Dear Princess Celestia;

   Um, this is Fluttershy, I hope I’m not intruding on your schedule with this letter… You can tear it up if you want, I won’t mind. I’m sorry if I overstepped my bounds, I don’t want to be a bother.. It’s just that, well, your old castle. I went there with Rarity, and Oh, I’m sorry!! Was it off limits?? I didn’t know!! If you want to punish me, I deserve whatever you decide is right. 

    But, um, if it’s OK with you, I’d like to tell you what I learned today. If you don’t mind.
I learned that old castles are REALLY scary, and it’s no place for a bunny. Wait, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to imply that there’s something wrong with your old castle! It’s great, really! It has, um, lots of character? 

   So, what I leaned today about friendship was… well, friends don’t drag you to a scary old castle overrun with star spiders and shadows and secret passages and ghosts and frightening old tapestries and places where a bunny could get hurt or trapped or stuck in a tower without any friends!!! 

   I’m just glad everything came out OK, and no one was hurt.. I wish we knew more about the keys for the box, although it sounds scary to go looking for them. I hope Princess Twilight will know what to do then.   

   I don’t want to take up anymore of your time, you’re much too important to waste time reading things I wrote, so I’ll end this letter before I get in trouble.. 

  Your faithful servant;