01 December 2013

Letters for the Princess - "Princess Twilight Sparkle" - 1 & 2

Well hello everypony!  Ever since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stopped getting mail, all of us here at the FOB wanted to help them out just a little bit.  After all, the friendship letters stopped somewhere back in Season Three, and since our favorite colorful equines are a bit busy saving the universe, it falls to us in the Royal Guard to do things as trivial as paperwork.  After the break, find PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle's letter to her former teacher about Season Four, Episodes One and Two.

Dear Princess Celestia,

It's really something to be writing this letter to a fellow princess...and a friend rather than to my teacher, and while I suspect it will take a little time to get used to, I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me.  The events of the last two days have been some of the most hectic of my life, and they have really made me think about myself, my relationships with my friends, and my duties to the kingdom of Equestria.

That last one is probably the best place to start.  It seems my new position as princess has not impeded my ability to stay up all night getting work done, even when it's impossible to tell if it is day or night.  Trivialities aside, it's comforting to know that even while I may be a princess, I don't have to constantly wear the crown.  News travels quickly around Equestria, and anypony that sees me will start bowing, which makes me blush.  Furthermore, wearing a ten pound golden crown on top of my head all day long just makes my neck hurt.  I can only imagine that it is due to your many centuries of practice that you don't suffer as I do under your regalia.

For that matter, you must also have a very strong back.  My research (and the pain running along my spine) shows that a pony's wings are contracted and relaxed by muscles in her upper back, and I never had much cause before now to work those out.  Seeing you and your sister fly in the ancient past made me wonder if I too can fly like that one day.  However, I hope it's never for such extreme circumstances as those.  Oh!  Excuse me.  Zecora gave me a potion that showed me the Tree of Harmony, the imprisonment of Discord, and the banishment of Nightmare Moon.  I will never forget the look on your face...but now I know the depths of your joy at her return.

It honors me to no end that I was able to play a part in the ceremony, though it took so much time learning to fly.  The nuances and minutiae of use of new limbs are still causing me grief.  From now on, I will try my best to avoid any form of panicked planning with my wings open; the last time that happened I buried my horn the in the ceiling, and it took Spike and I fifteen minutes to get myself out.

Most importantly though, the terrors of the Everfree have reminded me that my friends are the most important thing I have.  Without the Elements of Harmony to rely on any longer, it is all the more critical that we stick together to find the keys to the gift the Tree gave us.  Leaving them alone in the forest almost led to my death and theirs, and the subsequent ruin of Equestria.  After all the terrors we've faced together, I should have learned that I need them, but I promise myself, you, and them that it will not happen again.  Here is to hoping this is the first of many long letters we can send each other over the years to come.

Your friend, 

Twilight Sparkle

We also found this letter in the mailbag.  According to reports, the guard who wrote it was very distraught when he found it had actually been picked up and mailed.

Dear Princess Celestia...and Luna, because I know you'll share this with her...and Twilight...and probably Cadence too,

What were you thinking!?  You honestly gave Twilight a royal position without introducing her to any of her guards, or explaining where to find the national contingency plans?  And why are your guards such drama queens?  If I were a level-headed officer of the Royal Castle Guard, I wouldn't want to use dramatic emphasis on the word 'vanished' to try to scare my new boss in the middle of a national emergency.  You should probably take them out of drama classes and give them a bit more PT.

DON'T SIR ME!  I mean...don't call me Princess.  Yeah, I get it Twilight, authority is hard to take.  I hate getting honorific'd by people I know, but it's part of the job.  If you're going to be badass alicorn princess who has a regular habit of saving the world, once in a while you should live up to it.  Also, Spike?  Buddy, I was right there with you when you yelled 'INCOMING!'  I wanted to dive under my sofa, because alicorn-crash-landings probably have the potential to go nuclear.

Now as for Discord.  Totally called that he knew more than he was letting on, but couldn't he have at least been watching for the odd chance that the rest of the gang didn't show up in time, and Twilight got eaten by those plants?  He's a prick.  Oh, and judging by how he whipped out that maid costume, I now know why you constantly have your wings splayed out when he's around.  Don't worry, I'm not judging you.

Your loyal subject,

Lieutenant 'red' Sky Sage
Royal Guard Pegasus Division
FOB Equestria

Hope you all enjoyed, this will be the first of many to come!  This is 'red Sage, Semper Filly everypony!