31 July 2013

Bronycon Safety Brief

Bronycon is at the end of the week, so you know what that means! Eeyup, horseshoe it around me, take a knee, and drink water. It's time for the safety brief.

Grab your reflective belt and click through for more!

29 July 2013

Military Bronies Panel At BronyCon 2013

It is so on...

FOB Equestria, Military Bronies Facebook, and anyone else we can squeeze in, are going to be at the Military Bronies Panel at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 2nd! Get more info after the break!

NOTE: Had to fix the date of the meet up.

Artist Outlines #001: Feather

Our newest UK staff member Aetherious is interviewing "Feather" for his first artist outline interview. He covers a bit of Feather's biography, her collaborations, and her venture into the music side of things. She will be attending BronyCon this year to make sure to take a look out for her!

27 July 2013

SITREP #048: Military Bronies in the News

I can't make this up.

So this just waltzed into our inbox. And we all remember the whole unapproved patches issue from last year. Except this is an APPROVED patch.  This is the real, totally legit, certified by PAO, unit patch of the Joint Undergraduate Specialized Pilot Class 14-05, as reported by Robert Beckhusen at Medium.com. 

Additionally, there are two more articles about the Fort Carlson bronies!

Check them out after the break!

25 July 2013

Review: Children of the Night

Wow. It seems like it was forever since we first saw the animatic for Children of the Night.

Oh wait, it was.

Author: Duo Cartoonist

Children of the Night  tells the tale of what woud have been the origin of Nightmare Night, and the catalyst element that forced Celestia to banish Luna. 

After defeating Discord, Canterlot was witnessing a very slow recovery. Misery could still be found everywhere around, specially for the ponies that had less means. 

Luna thought that expanding the kingdom and founding a new pony colony elsewhere would give a solution to the problem, allowing the ponies that she would choose for the matter, a new brand future. Celestia refused the proposal of her sister to scatter Equestria. For after such a great lack of harmony she thought it could shatter the kingdom forever. 

Being denied and in the shadow of her own sister, Luna decided it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...

Was it worth the year-long wait? Find out after the jump!

Convention News: July 24: Bronycon & Nightmare Nights

BronyCon is just moments away and they are going to have a live stream up for all of us non-attendees to watch, also, Nightmare Nights in Dallas is announcing it's vendors and artist alley.

24 July 2013

FEGN #29 Halo 4 (Xbox 360)

By: *ParallaxMLP
Sorry guys this has been me over the past week and a half. Just got my Internet hooked up so gaming night is back on! Time for some more Halo 4 more info and other fun stuff after the break!

Convention News: July 23: BronyCon


BronyCon Masquerade Talent Show

Have you found your special talent and care to share it with everyone at the largest brony gathering in the world?

Now is your chance at the BronyCon Masquerade! The masquerade is a multifaceted talent show where you can showcase your special talent whether it is singing, comedy, dance or whatever it is you feel is worth sharing.

To take part in the BronyCon Masquerade, fill out this form. The talent show is noncompetitve, so there will be no judging or prizes--just good fun and entertainment. So come out to Baltimore, Md., this Aug. 2-4 to show the fandom what your special talent is!

(It was a short announcement, -Saunter Hoof)


22 July 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #021 & #022

How's it going, bronies? Double podcast post inbound to you. Let's just call it "military efficiency" and leave it at that, shall we? You all know by this point if you want to hear the podcast when it's first out there, you should follow our YouTube channel.

Anyway, you've got the green light to jump!

Weapons of Friendship and Magic #001

 Kalashnikov 47.

Variant Romeo Delta

With all these arguments flying around about gun control. FOB Equestria has one thing to say about the issue. "Why So Serious?". We fight for ponies!

Click below to see bronies arsenal of friendship and magic!


Op-ed: Saunter Hoof on "Military Tactics"

Not an actual poster...

I was listening to NPR the other day, and something really annoyed me. It's about the way some people view the military, or should I say: 'military tactics'. I'm going to address my concerns, and what is really a popular exploitation of stereotyping.

One incident of language warning.

18 July 2013

UGC #002: Tavor-21, Memorial Battan Death March

Two of our users, Red Sage (who is staff) and Tavor-21 are attempting to organize a FOB Equestria team to compete in the 2014 Bataan Memorial Death March. It will take place in March of 2014 so there's plenty of time for you to prepare. Read more after the break.

17 July 2013

Fan Fiction Review #043: Death Note: Equestria

Death Note with ponies? My interest has been piqued.

Author: Nonagon
Equestria is growing, and magical savant Twilight Sparkle is disgusted by the crime and corruption this change has brought. Her life is changed forever when she discovers the Death Note, a notebook with inexplicable and deadly powers. She uses this book to pass judgement on those she deems unworthy of life, aiming to create a perfect world free of crime. But when the two Princesses put their best pony on the case, a mysterious detective known only as L, a psychological game of cat and mouse erupts between the two.
Comments contain spoilers. Artwork by blu-red, opening by Anon3mous. Now with its own TV Tropes page.
Well, this sounds like an interesting crossover. I mean, a tool of mass destruction such as the Death Note would be interesting to throw into a world of peace-loving ponies. I wonder what their reactions would be? Does this fic explore the possibilities of the chaos or lack thereof of said object being introduced to this world of love and friendship?


Convention News: BronyCon Announces G.M. Berrow and Maddy Peters

BronyCon announces yet more guests to make an appearance in Baltimare this summer.

Check it out below!

15 July 2013

Songs for the Troops #022: Aetherious reviews "Rainbow" by Koroshi-Ya

Good news! We finally have a new Head of Music: Aetherious! He has also reviewed Koroshi-Ya's "Rainbow" as part of his introduction. Say hello to him, read his bio, and take a look at his review below!

Aetherious' OC

13 July 2013

ARTillery Inbound #023

Fear me you lords and lady preachers (colored)by *Rex42

Rainbow Dash is ready to get down to business, and so are we in this week's ARTillery Inbound!

SITREP #047: Military Brony Run

Something like this... but 20% cooler

Fillies and Gentlecolts!

BronyCon 2013 is going to have one more event that should be big news to all our military bronies out there. Right next to the convention is going to be a charity run, sponsored by the Baltimore Oriels and called "Casey Cares Foundation 4th Annual 5K Run/Walk", that military bronies are going to engage in. FOB Equestria is going to do a guidon run for charity, but we need a team. It's a 5 k / 3.2 mile run, so don't be a pansy and wuss out. This is gonna be a kind of formation run, so yes we will go slow. If we have to "Marine Corps shuffle!", we will, but we shouldn't have to.

More details on how to register after the break.

Convention Recon: Fiesta Equestria - VA INTERVIEWS!

Spangle here, glad to report that we did manage to get a couple interviews while attending Fiesta Equestria in good ol' Houston. Who'd we get? None other than the voices of Gilda and Spitfire!

You gotta jump to catch'em!

FEGN #028 Team Fortress 2 (PC)

Must have been in the wrong neighborhood 
Hey guys hope everyone had a good Independence day. Sad to see long weekends end. Anyway on to important stuff ponies and video gaming....following the break

11 July 2013

SITEREP #046: FOBEQ and The MBS Show

The Malaysian Brony Show just recently had FOB Equestria on as part of their podcast. Miche and Saunter Hoof decided to take up the podcast and discuss the military, video games, and how they became bronies.

... It took us a grand total of two minutes of us to make a mess of their nice podcast. I have no idea why Miche is talking about with the moon.

Check it out after the break:

Convention News: July 11th: Midwest Bronyfest, BronyCon 2013

It's 15 days until the Midwest Bronyfest in Kansas City. They've got some last minute updates if you want to take a look!

Also, Bronycon  will be releasing their convention scheduel and pre-con activities!

10 July 2013

Convention Recon: Fiesta Equestria - Podcast and Panel

Spangle here and ready to bring you some of what we got while attending Fiesta Equestria! While we were limited in what we could get in video form due to few personnel and equipment on scene, that certainly didn't stop us from trying!

We got 2 videos for you after the jump, so what are you waiting for!

Green light! GO, GO GO!

09 July 2013

Convention News: July 8: SAAC

Breaking news about Sweet Apple Acres con! It's the last day to pre-register! More after the page break.

08 July 2013

Fan Fiction Review #42: The Abundance

Oh, come the f*BUY SOME APPLES*k on!

Author: defender2222
The Sequel to 'Faith and Doubt'.
   It's been two months since the changeling attack and Shining's almost-wedding and much has changed. Twilight Sparkle is now an alicorn and has left Equestria to master her new powers. The sixth element of harmony, the corrupt abstract Doubt, has been reborn in his original form: Faith. He, along with Spike, have gone with Twilight as she sought to heal after the betrayal by her friends and family.
   But Twilight's return to Ponyville will not be a happy one; in her absence her friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have been turned into alicorns themselves and the embodiments of their elements. They have seized power and now rule Equestria with iron hooves, using banned magic to turn their friends and family into zealots that obey their every command.
   To save Equestria, Twilight will have to do the unthinkable: form a rebellion and declare war on her friends.
   But will she be willing to make the tough decisions... even if it means choosing between friendship and freedom.
Everything is bad in large doses.
Well, if that doesn't sound like the most unique, non-cliched setup for a story I've ever seen, I don't know what is! Let's review this sucker!


There is no Celestia...

FOB Equestria Podcast #019

HELLLLOOOO MY BRONIES! Spangle here bringing you another podcast post... because it's kinda my job. I just get busy sometimes, but that's what comrades are for, right?

Anyway, *spartan kicks out the door* have a nice jump!

07 July 2013

Author Interview Dispatch #002: totallynotabrony

totallynotabronyFIM's Profile Picture

Yes, this is the second installment in the series. We did one a while back, but the interviews weren't done by us, they were just shared with us by RBDash47 on FiMFiction. I plan for this to be a somewhat regular segment for the Literature Division where we talk with notable authors in the community as well as the authors of stories we've reviewed in the past.

But that's enough explanation for now, we entered the jump zone 3 minutes ago! Get you're flank out that door!

06 July 2013

FEGN #27 The Last of Us (PS3)

Missing back packs but still good none the less

Zombies!!! Hey guys once again the weekend is upon us. Time for some gaming!

04 July 2013

Happy US Independance Day!

No Flutters! Be Aggressive!
It's Independence Day in the United States, and yesterday was also the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg. If you feel like getting information to drop on your associated friends and family, I'll go over some of the historical context you may find interesting.

Oh yeah, and it will be interspersed with awesome art and repeated sayings of "America, F**k Yeah!"

-edited for gratuitous grammatical/spelling errors

Convention News: July 4th: SAAC & EFNW

Sweet Apple Acres con is celebrating US Independence Day by giving you a 20% discount on all con badges, from regular to VIP! More after the break

Also EverfreeNW is announcing their final press announcement today before the con, and after the break you will find a link to their Livestream

03 July 2013

Fan Fiction Review #041: Machine And Might

Futuristic humans in Equestria! How... original?

Author: Kriegor
A massive artificial behemoth made of metal tore through our skies. It loomed over our world, blotting out Celestia's sun and shrouding Luna's moon, leaving those below in the shadows. It sowed chaos and conflict on our nation, something that had not happened in more than a millennium. 
It sits high above us, watching and waiting. What is this monster, and what is to be the fate of Equestria?
I Hate "Human in Equestria."

02 July 2013

Convention News: July 1st

More convention news:

Everfree Northwest is announcing more guests!