15 July 2013

Songs for the Troops #022: Aetherious reviews "Rainbow" by Koroshi-Ya

Good news! We finally have a new Head of Music: Aetherious! He has also reviewed Koroshi-Ya's "Rainbow" as part of his introduction. Say hello to him, read his bio, and take a look at his review below!

Aetherious' OC

My name is Aetherious! I am the new Head of Music at FOB Equestria. I'm from Scotland, and I work for my uncle and the 2 Highlands ACF force on a firing range, Colour Sgt. in rank, hoping to work for GCHQ or the Airforce in the near future.

Koroshi-Ya's "Rainbow" Featuring Feather - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIIW-rPpFBc

(Beware, Maximum Feels ahead!)

     This piece of music is one we can all relate to, and is guaranteed to make you feel both sadness and longing. It details a person who has idolized and fallen in love with a fictional character (In this case Rainbow Dash) so much that he pushes all others away, feeling they will never live up to his deemed, "Perfection". To start off, this piece of music, as I said before is one we can all relate to. We have all been there, falling in love with fictional characters and stories that make us feel warmer than the most delightful of human company ever could. But unlike the rest of us, this person has not been able to escape this web of purgatory, he has not been able to leave this character behind, and holds her forever in his heart, right until his death, where presumably he sees said character calling him, telling him not to fear, and that everything will be OK. I suppose it's this that gives the piece of music its dark side, the thought of a fictional character beckoning you to the afterlife; or darkness.

     Which may be interpreted differently by different people, some may see the character as an evil spirit, claiming another life through obsession and frustration. Some may see the character as a final happiness for the person in the song, as he finally passes, he sees her, and knows his life was not in vain, that his lifetime was merely waiting, for he may now be with the one he loves forever in heaven. I myself see the person described in the song as a very lonely person, the character a figment of his imagination, and feel nothing but pity for him; which is perhaps why I had to play Thrift Shop particularly loud and look at kittens on the internet before I could return to being myself! The general message that screams at you in this song, is to not let illusions cloud your judgement, it's all well and good to enjoy something, and hold it close to your heart. But never let it stop you living a full life, and never let it stop you being yourself.

     The music itself, message aside is generally the tone you would expect for a song with such lyrics, as you could imagine such a song in a genre such as heavy metal or blues. As for the artist himself, Koroshi-Ya has been fairly unknown by the brony community for a long time, as the focus is mainly on Wooden Toaster and The Living Tombstone; it's nice to see smaller artists such as Koroshi-Ya and Feather collaborating with one another, especially since Feather has the voice of an angel!

All in all my review of this song is nothing but positive, and hope to hear Koroshi-Ya and Feather's names mentioned more often in the brony community, and wish them the best of luck in all of their endeavors! - Semper filly both of you.