13 July 2013

SITREP #047: Military Brony Run

Something like this... but 20% cooler

Fillies and Gentlecolts!

BronyCon 2013 is going to have one more event that should be big news to all our military bronies out there. Right next to the convention is going to be a charity run, sponsored by the Baltimore Oriels and called "Casey Cares Foundation 4th Annual 5K Run/Walk", that military bronies are going to engage in. FOB Equestria is going to do a guidon run for charity, but we need a team. It's a 5 k / 3.2 mile run, so don't be a pansy and wuss out. This is gonna be a kind of formation run, so yes we will go slow. If we have to "Marine Corps shuffle!", we will, but we shouldn't have to.

More details on how to register after the break.

This will cost $35 to register, and will take place on Saturday, August 3, 2013 @ 8:00 AM. It will take place next to the convention at 333 West Camden Street Baltimore, MD

First click here to register:


1-Click on the "Team Members"
2-Select "5K - Team Member (Joining an Existing Team)"
3-Read the liability waiver
4-If you agree, select: "I agree to the above waiver"
Please note: "You must be over 18 years of age OR the parent/legal guardian of a minor under 18 years of age OR the legal guardian of an incapacitated and/or mentally challenged person in order to agree to the text above."
5-Type in your birth date
6-Enter your signature
7-Click "Agree and Continue"

The next screen will be the registration form, make sure to select the team: "FOB Equestria (Curtis Scissons)"

When you are done filling out the form click the green button "continue"

On the next screen select if you want a registration protector, and fill out your billing information.

After that, the next screen will tell you to verify your email address, but DO NOT FORGET THIS MESSAGE:

Why am I verifying my credit card info?
At the end of your 30 day ACTIVE Advantage trial, your membership benefits will be extended for a full year and billed to this credit card. Don't want your benefits to continue past the trial period? Just let us know.

That means that you are going to need to contact them and cancel your membership information with them so you don't get billed $65 for a full year afterwards! DO NOT FORGET!

I'll probably make a post on how to unsubscribe from the aforementioned trial period as soon as my payment clears.

Will there be pony cadence?
Most likely yes, the only issue I foresee is that each branch does their cadence a little differently so we have to try and keep it as simple repetition, especially for Marines (like myself).

What will be the uniform of the day?
Most likely you will end up getting a shirt, but for right now, we can consider it rainbow PT.... That doesn't mean Rainbow Dash PT.