10 July 2013

Convention Recon: Fiesta Equestria - Podcast and Panel

Spangle here and ready to bring you some of what we got while attending Fiesta Equestria! While we were limited in what we could get in video form due to few personnel and equipment on scene, that certainly didn't stop us from trying!

We got 2 videos for you after the jump, so what are you waiting for!

Green light! GO, GO GO!

In this post, you have over 2 hours worth of content! The first video is of our video podcast (which may become a thing we start doing at conventions) and the second video is of a military brony panel that I hopped in on.



Here's 2 links to what was talked about in the panel:

Be on the lookout for another couple posts. We managed to score 2 interviews and a ton of pictures that will be posted this coming week!