13 July 2013

Convention Recon: Fiesta Equestria - VA INTERVIEWS!

Spangle here, glad to report that we did manage to get a couple interviews while attending Fiesta Equestria in good ol' Houston. Who'd we get? None other than the voices of Gilda and Spitfire!

You gotta jump to catch'em!

I'm going to level with you guys... we didn't technically have any interviews planned for this con. It was only Silvermane and me with no camera, but when the opportunity presented itself, our military initiative kicked into gear and we managed to borrow some hardware (courtesy of PVL).

First up is Kelly Metzger, AKA Spitfire. I mean, how could we pass up the chance to talk with the leader of the Wonderbolts?!

Second, we have Maryke Hendrikse, the voice of Gilda. If you dare think that being in only one episode would make her uninteresting, you best think again.

Be sure to check back with us for more interviews! While I make no promises, I can assure you that the FOB will be doing it's best to grab as many interviews as possible during our time at BronyCon... and we'll have the staff to do it!