15 June 2013


Created by....

Hello everyone, Silvermane here with the information on our first-ever issue of Official FOB Equestria coins!
 All your questions will be answered... right after the break.


All right, everyone still with me? then let's go;
Here's the deal;

First of all, no one in the FOB, including me, are making any money on these coins. It was never planned to be a money-making venture, and it STILL is not. The coins cost $545.00 for a production run of 100, and I would be glad to send the invoice to anyone who want to see it.

OK, that said, the coins are selling for $15.00 each.
  Yes, it's true;
   "$15.00 each is $1,500!! WHERE IS THAT EXTRA MONEY GOING??"

Good question. Truth is, we figure only about HALF the coins will actually be sold. The rest are going to be used as publicity devices to raise awareness of FOB Equestria.  They will be given out to show talent, Fandom VIP's, etc. (You know how challenge coins work).  So, that takes our profit margin down to $455.00.  ($1,500.00 - $545.00 = $955.00 / 2 = $455.00). Out of that $455.00, $2.50 of each coin sold will be going for postage (More on that below). that leaves $330.00.

That $330.00 (If we can get that much collected), is going to be used for a very good cause that until now has been kept pretty quiet, but I guess it can be told now. It will also be revealed on the FB page). 


   OK, everyone knows about the Brony Documentary done by John De Lancie, Tara Strong, Lauren Faust, and others at last year's Bronycon. What also happened last year is that the Brony Doc producers organized a "thank You" luncheon for military bronies attending the convention.

  We have decided it would be nice to reciprocate, so we are going to have a "Thank You" luncheon in honor of the Documentary producers at this year's Bronycon. This means we will need to come up with enough money for pay for lunches for about 5 guests at the hotel restaurant. We hope the coin sales will cover the cost of this luncheon.

   In addition to the VIP's attending, we are going to have a number of bronies from the FOB (and perhaps other groups) attending the luncheon. Due to reservation restrictions, a limit of 30 people will be allowed to be a part of this luncheon (Not counting the VIP Guests). If anyone wants to sign up for this luncheon, reservation information will be provided on another Blog post.


  Here's how the coin ordering will work;

  Anyone who wants a coin (or MORE than one), we have a PayPal account set up through fobequestria@gmail.com.

The amount per coin is $15.00 (this includes postage), as stated below. When I get confirmation that an order has been placed, and the money has been transferred to PayPal, I'll send the coins VIA USPS to any address you specify, including APO/FPO addresses.To order coins, send the money to the fob.coin.order@gmail.com address, and send an email to fob.coin.order@gmail.com stating where you want your order sent. No more than 10 coins per order.

Also, there will be no postage increase for multiple coin orders, unless they are sent to different addresses. Order 1 or 10, the $2.50 postage remains the same.

 To keep things transparent and aboveboard, I made sure that the PayPal account is not MY account. I cannot draw any funds out of this account.

So that's about it, I hope everyone likes the design, and I look forward  to sending out many coins in the near future. Also, thanks goes out to our friends at MilitaryChallengeCoins.com!

Until next time;