08 July 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #019

HELLLLOOOO MY BRONIES! Spangle here bringing you another podcast post... because it's kinda my job. I just get busy sometimes, but that's what comrades are for, right?

Anyway, *spartan kicks out the door* have a nice jump!

This week has somewhat of the regular cast as we talk about Fiesta Equestria, pink fluffy unicorns, and dancing on rainbows. Yep, that's about it.



If there's something you think we should discuss during our weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled to record Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly after. A post like this one will be made as soon as time permits. As always: