18 July 2013

UGC #002: Tavor-21, Memorial Battan Death March

Two of our users, Red Sage (who is staff) and Tavor-21 are attempting to organize a FOB Equestria team to compete in the 2014 Bataan Memorial Death March. It will take place in March of 2014 so there's plenty of time for you to prepare. Read more after the break.

From Tavor-21:

Since Red Sage's "untimely" notice of this event to me the day after it finished, I've been looking at setting up a FOB Equestria team for the Bataan Memorial ruck march.

This will be a 26.2 mile race through White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico and is meant to commemorate the men who were forced to march from Bataan and Corregidor during the early years of WWII. This event will fittingly take place 23 March 2014 and registration opens in November. All participants will receive the following items for their time and have a chance to meet up with fellow service-members and MLP fans: "ALL Marchers (Individuals, teams & honorary) receive T-shirt, commemorative dog tag, certificate of participation, Bataan Memorial Death March timing chip (the timing chip is yours to keep as a souvenir - you do not have to turn it in at the end of the race), drawstring sports bag and post event meal."

All participants will need to bring a rucksack. We will be loading them up with non-perishable foods and goods to donate to the area food shelter. All information can be found at the following link so be sure to check it out and reply if interested. While this is still awhile away I want to get this out early so there is time to plan and build up interest since I know there are those that have already said they'd be interested in taking part in such a community event and meet up.


One final note, it is uniform (ABU's, ACU's, etc.) so it is going to be even more fun and you could use it as an official event or such for your posting. Either way, check out Red Sage's video from this last year and be sure to mention that he should have said something earlier. I bet you can't guess which participant he is..... =)

On that note you can view Tavor's post in the forum at: http://forum.fobequestria.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=834