22 July 2013

FOB Equestria Podcast #021 & #022

How's it going, bronies? Double podcast post inbound to you. Let's just call it "military efficiency" and leave it at that, shall we? You all know by this point if you want to hear the podcast when it's first out there, you should follow our YouTube channel.

Anyway, you've got the green light to jump!

The first podcast talks a bit literature focused with some convention talk as well as some bad puns and military jokes. The second one takes aim more at the videos in the community, mostly sighting in on videos that are currently in the process of being made. Then you also have the randomness that takes place in every podcast, but that's why you love us, right?




If there's something you think we should discuss during our weekly podcast, send us an email at fobequestria@gmail.com with the subject line of "PODCAST." The podcast is usually scheduled to record Sunday afternoons with a video uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly after. A post like this one will be made as soon as time permits. As always: