07 July 2013

Author Interview Dispatch #002: totallynotabrony

totallynotabronyFIM's Profile Picture

Yes, this is the second installment in the series. We did one a while back, but the interviews weren't done by us, they were just shared with us by RBDash47 on FiMFiction. I plan for this to be a somewhat regular segment for the Literature Division where we talk with notable authors in the community as well as the authors of stories we've reviewed in the past.

But that's enough explanation for now, we entered the jump zone 3 minutes ago! Get you're flank out that door!

As the AID post title says, this time we have an interview with TNAB. He's done quite a lot of writing for the brony community as a whole and does his best to keep contributing. We've also done a few reviews of his stories, some of them more favorable than others...

Anyway, he was quite the fun person to interview. Check it out below!