31 August 2012

SITREP: #004: BlackGryph0n's Thankyou

BlackGryph0n, also known as "Aquaman" among the civilizations of the sea.

When not communicating with wildlife, USN servicemember BlackGryph0n composes music.
Or something like that.
I'm sure none of you have heard his work before.

Anyways, he wrote a quick little song for Tabitha St. Germain (also known as T-pot, because 1 is not a potato) for her contribution to his totally not Rarilicious animation.

Killroy's Comics Corner: #002 - 1stAP

1st Awesome Plattoon has release yet another comic, as well as some other nifty little things

Click the link to see their latest comic.

30 August 2012

SITREP: #003: Military Bronies

Military Bronies on Facebook needs the help of a few good Marines

Click the link below for more

FEGN: #002 Halo Reach

You would have known about this if you bought the limited edition
By Nickyv917

Our next Equestria Game Night is this Saturday at 1700 GMT / 1200 EST.

This week its Halo Reach.

Click below for more

29 August 2012

SITREP - News #002: Fob Equestria & Navy Times

Our site traffic has been a little strange lately and we've gotten a bunch of new faces, so we at FOB Equestria decided to craft this article for all of you, as our introduction to you.

Also, thanks to Military Bronies on Facebook for linking to us!

To Non-Bronies: 
I think you probably saw this on your Military Times (NavyTimes, ArmyTimes, ect) newspaper today. From what we've gathered, you typed may have FOB Equestria into Google and and are wondering what we are about. Please click on the link below that says "Read More" to find out some more about ourselves. I promise you it's all safe for work and it's most certainly something we, as military bronies, are proud of.

To Military Bronies, that don't know us:
Welcome to your new meet-up place! From what we've gathered you noticed us on EQD or Military Bronies, and linked to us. Check us out for information, art, music, meet-ups, and convention related stuff. We are about creating and supporting a really great community, and our members are doing a wonderful job. Click on Read more.

To Current Members:
Hey look Navy Times printed an article on us! Check it out below:

28 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound #009

Applejack doing recon for her buddies in the tank.

Saunter is busy becoming a professor in math, so I did this one. Firing the artillery!

Also, we have a new way of labeling the source, as below.

Appletank M1A1by *Dori-to

26 August 2012

Songs for the Troops #010 - Born to be cute // Of Fond Memories // A New World

Got a bit of everything for you here. Most of all there's a lot of Fluttershy. Can't have enough Fluttershy.

Check it after the break.

FOB Equestria Podcast #003

It's that time again! The weekly FOB Equestria podcast is here and a little early for a change!

This week has a variety of quality improvements that I'm sure you'll be happy to see...which is good because it runs about 1 hour and 45 minutes long. Grab a seat and a snack...because you're going to be here for a while.

Catch everything after the break!

Mission #005: B.U.C.K Debrief Part 2: Interviews with Laurent Malaquais, LaserPon3 and a plushie maker.

I said I had some good stuff for you. My press pass gave me access to some things the common folk did not. I seized the opportunity to grab a couple of interviews.

Below you will find transcriptions of the interviews with Laurent Malaquais, LaserPon3 and the maker of one giant Pinkie Pie plushie.

The audio versions will also be included in our next podcasts.

25 August 2012

Mission #004: Statement from Everfree NW

We got some feedback about our Debrief from Everfree NW.

Check it out from the page break below.

Fan Fiction Review #011: What We Leave Behind

Well this is a story I noticed on EQD. When I read the description, I knew I had to read it. We're all military men here on the staff and we get what it means to say your goodbyes. Let's see how much it relates to us.

Author: Golden Vision
After dreaming for all his life of becoming a Royal Guard, Shining Armor has finally received the letter of acceptance that will mark his way into the ranks. On his last day at home, as he readies himself to say farewell to the only life he's ever known, Shining will realize why he's taken this path for himself, and who he's walking it for.
What We Leave Behind

Will it meet my expectations? Find out after the break!

24 August 2012


We've got another *licious video. Not by BlackGryph0n this time, but a newcomer.

Check out Applelicious (Applebloomlicious) below!

FOB EGN: #001: Team Fortress 2 (PC)

 By Conicer, now go say thank you!

The 1st FOB Equestria Game Night is coming up! Read more after the page break!

Mission #004: Everfree NW Debrief

"Say Big Mac, how 'bout you put us down and have some cider on the house?"    "Nnnope."

     Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'll all take your seats we can get this started.... I know that a lot of you have been hearing and seeing some interesting things that you want to look over, and it just so happens that I've covered just about all of it in bullet format so you can disseminate it to your enlisted underlings via  PowerPoint.

     My name is Saunter Hoof and I will be giving you this brief on the status of the  Everfree NW Brony Convention. The Terminal Objective of this brief is to provide you all with a generalized experience of what happened at the con, as if you were there. It's secondary objective is to provide you with credible information to answer any questions you had about it.  I will be provide you with quotes and analysis of the issues at hand. Let us begin:

Lt. Heartstrings, stop slouching!

22 August 2012

Mission #005: B.U.C.K Debrief Part 1: Photo preview

I am quite busy going through all the recon I gathered at BUCK this weekend. But as a sneak peak of what happened there, I've got a few of the good pictures picked out for you here. Don't worry though, I've got some really good stuff coming down the pipe. Including several interviews!

We haven't received any recon from anyone else though, but I guess you are all suffering from post-con exhaustion. 

Anyway, check it out below! 

SITREP: Rainbowlicious!

This just in from our scouts on the front! Rainbow Dash is Rainbowlicious!

Brought to us by one of our fellow Military Bronies known to many as BlackGryphon! As is the nature of our beloved Rainbow, expect the unexpected. Catch the video after the break!

20 August 2012

Military Bronies Interviewed!

Seems some of us got interviewed by MrE380. Mobius, H8_Seed, and our very own Navy Brony were kind enough to make themselves available, answer some questions, and give us their input. While I am unfamiliar with MrE380, I'm certainly grateful for his time and effort! He does a good job and asks some very interesting questions. So grab a snack and check it out!


FOB Equestria Podcast #002

Here you go! The second installment of the now weekly FOB Equestria Podcast! We're trying to keep them to an hour long, so this SHOULD be the standard. I tried a few new things while editing so let me know what you think. Give us that feedback! We do this for you guys after all...

Also, still working on some of the audio kinks. You'll be seeing gradual improvements as the weeks go on.

Also also, some of you have requested that an MP3 be made available. Sorry, but no MP3 for this one. I'll look into it and will work on having next week's available via YouTube and MP3 download! ~Yay!

Will this be LIVE? Maybe sometime in the future. As for now, you'll just have to deal with it being recorded. So take a seat and listen as we ramble about more random things Brony related!


19 August 2012

Fan Fiction Review #010: Daylight Burning

I come bringing you another user submitted fanfiction! Surprised? No? Well then, aren't you just so clever. While I don't normally read darker stories, I made an exception for you guys because that's how much I care....

Author: Guesswork
"It's so nice to see you again!" said the thing that was not Celestia.  "Oh yes, I know who you are, Twilight Sparkle.  I had a taste of your magic the first time we met. Mortals forget things so easily, I find.  Allow me to refresh your memory: you tried to kill me.  But you failed, Twilight Sparkle.  You only mostly killed me.  And I guess that makes you one very unlucky little pony."
Daylight Burning

Time to turn and burn this review!

18 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound# 008

This is where Applejack says, "Woah, nelly!"
The sound of the royal minigun spinning is letting you know it's time for another edition of ARTillery inbound!

Source 1

17 August 2012

Mission #005: B.U.C.K Recon!

So this weekend we have two brony conventions, the big one in Seattle, USA and the even bigger one in Manchester, UK. FOB Equestria is of course going to participate in the biggest of them and will bring you all the pictures and stories from BUCK. (Those of you who are there, get in touch!)

We also want submissions and stories from those of you who are at the con, submit your recon to: fobequestria@gmail.com

And for those of you out there who are stuck on a base somewhere in the middle of nowhere, you can still get in on all the festivities. Check it out below!

16 August 2012

Songs for the Troops #009 - Tale of the Brony // Hush Now // A Dash of Awesome

Yay, someone submitted music. Thanks NomNom! That means you get the top spot. Tell your friends! We also got some Sub.Sound, this guy is awesome.

Check it after the break.

15 August 2012

Mission #004: Everfree NW Recon!

From Everfree NW's Site

Oh yes, it's true.

It's that time again to cover another major convention. (without any of us actually being there). So we need your help in gaining as much information as we possibly can about Everfree NW. Send your pics, discriptions, scans, emails, miscellaneous knick-knacks to FOBEquestria@gmail.com so we can happly burrow through all of it and give you all a chance to get a feel for the convention without being there!

Otherwise, I'll have to troll several forums, read dozens of blog posts, and generally work my butt off. Why? Because I care! That's why! We do these and the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard!


14 August 2012

Fan Fiction Review #009: Wings

Another user submitted fanfic? And it's military related!? Well that just makes my day. The same author who wrote The Pony in my Pocket was kind enough to write another military-related fanfic about Rainbow Dash joining the good ol' US Air Force. No bias here. None at all.

Author: BaroqueNexus; totallynotabrony
Equestria's fastest pegasus joins the United States Air Force, and, through her triumphs and tragedies, learns what it means to be loyal.

I'm just going to ignore the inconsistencies in that picture...despite there being obvious things wrong. Okay Spangle, it's not a big deal, right? RIGHT? Gah! Review after the break.

UGC: Egghead Corner: #001

Fernin's Avatar

At FOB Equestria, we support User Generated Content. Which is stuff that we have no say over, but we think that some things are best NOT kept to themselves in our forum. Thus, any cool user generated content we come across will probably get posted under the USG series. This section of USG is the "Egghead Corner" sponsoring specific works of literature (poems, stories, ect) that our users have submitted to us, or that we found in the dark depths of the forum.

Up first is Fernin's interesting poem on Best Pony...

13 August 2012

Songs for the Troops #007 - Hopes and Dreams // The Lunar War // Good Girl // Atomizer (animated) // Top Ten July 2012

I've found some really good stuff for you guys this time. This animation of Atomizer is kickass! Also included the top ten songs of July, just in case you've missed any of these great songs.

Check it after the break.

12 August 2012

FOB Equestria Podcast #001

So...we started a weekly podcast. Just our way of letting you guys get to know us a little better and a chance to blabber on about random brony-related things. This was our first run and we talked about what we could do better next week in our post-podcast debrief, so hopefully you can enjoy this diamond in the rough.

Still, give it a listen and give us some feedback. All the podcasts will be uploaded to our new YouTube channel, so subscribe to it if you want to keep updated on everything that we upload!

No break this time. Everything you need to know is right here. Enjoy!

11 August 2012

Kilroy's Comics Corner: #002: 1stAP

Pvt. Holden here would like to inform you that 1st Awesome Platoon has a new comic out, you should check out after the page break.

10 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound: #007 Air Power Edition

Bogies at... WTF IS THAT!

I'll tell you what it is, it's your next volley of ARTillery Inbound! Air Power Edition!

Also, everyone thank Jacob Isler for pushing most of these pics to us!

Source 1

09 August 2012

Spangle's Fanfiction Review Rating Breakdown

Spangle here! So, I thought I would give you Bronies a better idea of what all those "rating thingies" mean at the end of each of my reviews before I release my next volley of reviews. Kind of clear up the mud, in a manner of speaking.

*Note: Other staff may not have the same review standards...so don't assume they do.

Breakdown after the break! Breaker, breaker. Break it down...I'll stop now.

08 August 2012

Songs For the Troops #008 Twilight of The Opera


Check out Tara Strong's operatic score after the page break:

06 August 2012

Fan Fiction Review #008: Walkies

MLP Screwloose:On The Loose (Fernin Commission)

Oh hey! Would you look at that, I'm actually doing a review on a fanfic someone submitted! Wait, since when do we actually check that email? I thought that was just a ruse...guys?

Author: Fernin
"Being the night security guard for Ponyville General Hospital is a boring and thankless job-- especially for Vigilance, who has his heart set on becoming a member of the Equestrian Royal Guard.  Unfortunately both his current job and his future career are now in jeopardy thanks in part to a ridiculous incident in which Rainbow Dash broke in at night to steal a book, of all things.  A book!  
Now to save his job a reluctant Vigilance is saddled (pun unintended) with a new and frustrating duty: assisting in the treatment of his least favorite patient, an unidentified mare who thinks she's a dog.

Can Vigilance swallow his pride for long enough to get "Screw Loose" the exercise therapy she needs, or will her canine antics drive him barking mad?"

For future reference, I'll only do a review once a story is completed. In other words, if you submit incomplete stories, you won't see a review until it's finished. But for now, I present to you Walkies!

05 August 2012

Kilroy's Comics Corner: 1stAP: #001

We at FOB Equestria are happy to announce our continual coverage of 1st Awesome Platoon's comic series!

Each time they add a strip we'll post it here for all of you to see.

Some of the most recent ones is below the page break:

04 August 2012

Military Brony Shirt Available!

So that artist I mentioned earlier has released her T-shirt with a military brony theme. You can get your "Semper Filly" shirt here. It's $25 plus shipping (+$5).

It's available in a wide array of colors and sizes, but comes standard in the "army" color. Not sure if the colors would pass for military colors, we might have to ask the artist if they can provide colors better suited for military personell.

Either way, we have ourselves a shirt.

03 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound #006

Freindship at the cyclic rate: Source

Clearly Lyra and BonBon are being over-run...


02 August 2012

Interest in Military Brony Themed T-Shirts

An artist from redbubble.com has agreed to help make a military brony themed t-shirt, but she would like to know what sort of interest there is in one. There's now a poll on the matter on the right side, please answer it.

Her profile page can be found here and her facebook here. Let her know the military bronies are here in force and we want some swag.

01 August 2012

Fan Fiction Review #007: The Great And Powerful Trixie Falls In Love With A Pine Cone

I...huh?...wha? I don't even....I heard it existed, so I read it. And there's DEFINITELY no military theme to this one at all.

Author: angelofrombelow
"It had to happen eventually....actually, no. No, it really didn't.Set immediately after the events of Boast Busters, Trixie finds herself in a quandary when she realizes she has left her purse behind in Ponyville. She faces a humiliating walk back into town to pick up her money. Before she can turn back, however, she meets a magical, sentient pine cone and her life is changed forever."
The Great And Powerful Trixie Falls In Love With A Pine Cone

Read all about it...after I get over the initial shock.

Fan Fiction Review #006: The Brony Guard Unlimited

Here is my review of the sequel, as promised! I'm a Brony of my word. At almost twice the word count, it's definitely more content!

Author: psychicscubadiver
"When the Brony International Guard came to town Lyra thought all of hers dreams had come true. Finally, she had proof that nopony could argue with. But there's something strange about these creatures who call themselves 'bronies'. It isn't just their weird humor or quirky behavior. They're keeping secrets from everypony, and only Lyra seems to notice, or even care. None of investigations have solved this mystery just yet, but with the arrival of some new divisions, she may finally have the chance she needs..."
The Brony Guard Unlimited

Kick the tires and light the fires, after the break!