29 August 2012

SITREP - News #002: Fob Equestria & Navy Times

Our site traffic has been a little strange lately and we've gotten a bunch of new faces, so we at FOB Equestria decided to craft this article for all of you, as our introduction to you.

Also, thanks to Military Bronies on Facebook for linking to us!

To Non-Bronies: 
I think you probably saw this on your Military Times (NavyTimes, ArmyTimes, ect) newspaper today. From what we've gathered, you typed may have FOB Equestria into Google and and are wondering what we are about. Please click on the link below that says "Read More" to find out some more about ourselves. I promise you it's all safe for work and it's most certainly something we, as military bronies, are proud of.

To Military Bronies, that don't know us:
Welcome to your new meet-up place! From what we've gathered you noticed us on EQD or Military Bronies, and linked to us. Check us out for information, art, music, meet-ups, and convention related stuff. We are about creating and supporting a really great community, and our members are doing a wonderful job. Click on Read more.

To Current Members:
Hey look Navy Times printed an article on us! Check it out below:

This may have brought a few of you here...

Our ponified response:
Applejack: Character from the latest generation of MLP

To Non-Bronies:

Okay, so your wondering what we are about.

We at FOB Equestria are trying to bring service-members who enjoy watching the show My Little Pony together in a communal way and supporting them. This place is a safe place for them to come, discuss interests, arrange meet-ups, and connect. Some people who come here are merely fans of the show, some are dedicated "Bronies" (read: bro-ponies / bro-pony for singular: Brony), and some have children who are fans of the show and can find ways to connect with them. We support all of them. Our staff is all current or prior service military from various parts of the world and several branches. Most people in the brony fandom have lots of artistic, musical, or literary interests and we try to cater to them. While we are not the only place information about bronies, we are one of the few that are directly connected to Military Bronies. Scroll down to the links at the bottom to find more info about us, the military brony community, and the brony fandom in general:

To New Military Bronies:

Welcome friends! Good to see you! Pull up a chair and have something to drink, because FOB Equestria is striving to be a communal place for all military brony interactions. Check out our art posts, our music, our fanfics, ect. It's all a safe environment that you don't need to be concerned about. We are here for you guys and your interests and we want any involvement you can offer. If your not sure if there are enough of you here I can tell you that the smallest branch representation we have of US military forces is the coast gaurd. We've got combat arms, comm guys, aircraft maintenance (that whole crazy bunch), vets, new joins, officers, enlisted, SNCO's, NBC specialists (or is it NBCR, you know who you are), bikers, gamers, cooks, ect. Have fun, I promise you'll be welcome here.

To Our Regulars
Well, say hello guys! Also, See gigantic list thing for stuff you haven't yet looked at.

Our Mission Statement:

Our Statement on those patches you might ask about:

Our weekly art post:

Our regular song post:

Our regular fanfiction review:

Our convention Analysis:

Our podcast:

Military Bronies: http://www.facebook.com/militarybronies?ref=ts
1st Awesome Platoons Comic: http://www.facebook.com/pages/1st-Awesome-Platoon/195039733932775?ref=ts
FOB Equestria: http://www.facebook.com/FOBEquestria?ref=ts
Semper Filly: http://www.facebook.com/groups/331503566934321/343609039057107/?ref=notif&notif_t=group_activity

Our Forum: http://fobequestria.kingharald.net/

Our Twitter: @FOBEquestria

Steam Group (weekly game night): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fobeq

How to Submit Stuff to us to share: FOBEquestria@Gmail.com

The Rest of the Brony Community:

Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/
Derpy Hooves News: http://www.derpyhoovesnews.com/

Some of the brony community's videos:

Some of the brony community's music:

The BronyCon Documentary: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/257527888/bronycon-the-documentary
SaberSpark's Documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE7I_IDX98g

Some Brony Charaties:
Bronies For Good: http://broniesforgood.org/
Kiki's Fund: http://www.giveforward.com/supportkikiscancerfund

A Statistical Analysis of Bronies in general:

If you got this far, then you're probably shocked with how much of a community there is for both bronies and military bronies. Well, so are we! Take your time and enjoy what's here.

We like to end all of our posts with a certain motto: