10 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound: #007 Air Power Edition

Bogies at... WTF IS THAT!

I'll tell you what it is, it's your next volley of ARTillery Inbound! Air Power Edition!

Also, everyone thank Jacob Isler for pushing most of these pics to us!

Source 1

I ain't mad...

Check the source for Rainbow's Quote : )

Source 2

Fighter Dash

Ponies are capable of duel wielding just about anything at this point...

Source 3


Source 4

Seriously, Spitfire can duel-wield BOMBS
 Source 5

Pinkie's Friendship Machine
For the rotary wing...
Source 6

Clearing the Skies... in 10 Seconds Flat
I have you know... wait, different movie quote
Source 7

Spitfire... In a Spitfire
Yo dawg, I heard you like Spitfire. So we put Spitfire in your Spitfire so you can spit fire out of your Spitfire.
Source 8

Rainbow Dash v. The Future
I'm sure Dash has this under control, but seriously Derpy... FLY!
Source 9

Spitfire in a Spitfire
Nope, I don't get it...    Actually, I'm not really tired of seeing Spitfire in a Spitfire because Spitfire/s  is/are  awesome.
Source 10

Some ponies think the air war stops once you land, those ponies are wrong...
Source 11

Spitting Fire
Two questions: First, is Spitfire's wingman have the symbol of an Apple Fritter? Second, Why is Red Earth (middle pony) flying a plane with an Xbox controller?
Source 12

Dash Jet Fly Over
Dash loves the air show.
Source 13

She would also love the light show.
Source 14

Who needs wings?
BAM, RARITY!...  Betcha didn't see that one comming!
Source 15
BE ADVISED: Source is from FurAffinity, which we have designated as generally NSFW
The creator asked that we plug his anthropomorphic comic series: "The Draconia Chronicles" (mostly SFW PG-13)

Reach New Heights
Yeah, my recruiter used the old, "See the world" thing too.
Source 16

Mighty Wings
And so the last mistake they ever made was missing when shooting at the Wonderbolts...
Source 17

Alright Cease Fire!

Remember to submit work to us at FOBEquestria@gmail.com or to our DeviantArt page as well. We don't just take artwork either, submit to us your music, your pics, your literature. Better to oversupply ammo rather than undersupply.