18 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound# 008

This is where Applejack says, "Woah, nelly!"
The sound of the royal minigun spinning is letting you know it's time for another edition of ARTillery inbound!

Source 1

Quick Draw AJ Color

Draw! Ya no good varmit!


Source 2

Commander Rainbow

The phrase Air Assault comes to mind
Source 3.1
BE ADVISED: Source leads to FurAffinity which we have decided is NSFW, even though the vast majority of the artists gallery is clean.

You Can't Stop Me
I'm being covered in steel plates and no one can stop me! Unfortunately Emperor Barbarossa said the same thing near that very same lake.

Source 4

 Battle Mane Applejack
Applejack Khan, leader of the Equestrian Mongolian horde...

 Source 5

Azure Starburst, 701st STR. Wing, Airmare 1st Class

 Source is Sepia-Lace, account now closed on DA.

Lyra Van Pelt
Lyra Heartstrings, I presume?

Source 7

CMC and NSV-12.7
"Range, 800 yards. If this doesn't get us our cutie marks, I don't know what will!"

Source 8

Sun Princess
The Royal Battle Armor, made clearly for curb stomping.

Source 9

US Derpy

Source 10

Equestrian Royal Mareines - The Coltstream Guards

MAREines! Get it!!? I bet the Stallions are probably annoyed by that.

Source 11
Original Source

Rainbow Dash JetPilot (Vector)
Happy Pilot Face!

Source 12

Rain and Thunder
The cow goes "moo", the pig goes "oink", and the warthog goes "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"

Source 13

Evening Flight
Oh, it's okay... I'll just land wherever you want... It's fine

Source 14

Who needs wings?
"The Spark" here tends to light aircraft up like Christmas Trees

Source 15

Reach New Heights
It's go time!

Source 16

Mighty Wings

Source 17

You're going to love my little friend!

Source 18

Alright Cease Fire!

Remember to submit work to us at FOBEquestria@gmail.com or to our DeviantArt page as well. We don't just take artwork either, submit to us your music, your pics, your literature. Better to oversupply ammo rather than undersupply.