03 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound #006

Freindship at the cyclic rate: Source

Clearly Lyra and BonBon are being over-run...


Rule #1 of crawling under barbed wire: Don't let your hair get you stuck under it
Source 2

Spitfires... I see what you did there...
Source 3

Source 5

Honestly, not a fair fight. The girls have this in the bag.
 Submitted by Ethan Maynes

Source 6

Tanks! Your welcome...
Source 7: LittleNapoleon
Warning: Source is from FurAffinity, which we deem to be NSFW

Buy some apples!

Source 8

For our friends in different uniforms
Source 9

The Blue and Gray
Source 10

Because no matter how many times we get divided like the above, we must all stand together.
Source 11

Speaking of apples...
Source 12

Soarin being his normal boss self
Source 13

Shadowbolt v. Wonderbolt dogfight!
Source 14

Wonderbolt Sniper Team
Source 15

FACT: Shadowbolt Fighter Air to Air missles can be deflected by clouds of dandelion seeds
Source 16

The life of a grunt... Also, possibly the finest drawn M-16A2 I've seen in an MLP drawing.
Source 17
WARNING: Artist's gallery contains a works which might be disturbing to some viewers, and will be viewable even without Deviant Art accounts.

Fit and proper!
 Source 18: Rastaban
Warning: source is to FurAffinity, which we deem to be NSFW

Again, duel wielding .50 cals seems to be popular
Source 19


If that didn't do the trick Lyra, let us know. 

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