28 August 2012

ARTillery Inbound #009

Applejack doing recon for her buddies in the tank.

Saunter is busy becoming a professor in math, so I did this one. Firing the artillery!

Also, we have a new way of labeling the source, as below.

Appletank M1A1by *Dori-to


Pinkie Pie with AA-12 (Vector)by ~KarpiuPL

First Contact War, Griffonsby ~AssasinMonkey

Blitzie Pieby *EuropaMaxima

Rarity and Fluttershyby ~KarpiuPL

Sawbones Fluttershyby ~subject-Delta2

Everfree Fighters Rainbow Dash conceptby ~Stein225

Pony Effect 3by *lunarapologist

Meet the Scoutalooby *wolfjedisamuel

New Lunar Republicby ~DenGoR

She's Watching You, Foreverby *wolfjedisamuel

My Little Allies: World War is Magicby *MortuaryJoe

Captain Equestriaby *wolfjedisamuel

Colonial marine Private Fluttershyby ~CorruptionSolid


Equestria Signal Corpsby *MadHotaru

-One Pony Army-by ~ShySolid

My Little Pony Colonial Marineby ~CorruptionSolid

MORE Veitnam Lunaby ~Apso5

Heroes of Equestriaby ~FruitbloodMilkashake

More joined! Hooray!by ~ChaosThePony

For Zion, no wait.... FOR PONYVILLEby *Kaajus

Military is Magic Fluttershyby ~GreenWiggly

Alright Cease Fire!

Remember to submit work to us at FOBEquestria@gmail.com or to our DeviantArt page as well. We don't just take artwork either, submit to us your music, your pics, your literature. Better to oversupply ammo rather than undersupply.