20 August 2012

FOB Equestria Podcast #002

Here you go! The second installment of the now weekly FOB Equestria Podcast! We're trying to keep them to an hour long, so this SHOULD be the standard. I tried a few new things while editing so let me know what you think. Give us that feedback! We do this for you guys after all...

Also, still working on some of the audio kinks. You'll be seeing gradual improvements as the weeks go on.

Also also, some of you have requested that an MP3 be made available. Sorry, but no MP3 for this one. I'll look into it and will work on having next week's available via YouTube and MP3 download! ~Yay!

Will this be LIVE? Maybe sometime in the future. As for now, you'll just have to deal with it being recorded. So take a seat and listen as we ramble about more random things Brony related!