30 August 2012

FEGN: #002 Halo Reach

You would have known about this if you bought the limited edition
By Nickyv917

Our next Equestria Game Night is this Saturday at 1700 GMT / 1200 EST.

This week its Halo Reach.

Click below for more

So right now we are just about ready. We are constructing teams and the type of game to play. Please make sure to let us know your Xbox Live screen name and we get your votes for what type of game we play. You'll probably get invites from us, or me EpsilonSE for our game about an hour or so before hand just to make sure everybody is rogered up and ready to go at 1700 GMT.

Also, we are still taking suggestions for next week's game! In the lead right now is L4D2, Civ 5, and Blacklight: Retribution

If you do not associate yourself with such low brow things as Xboxes and Console gaming, let us know what you want to play on a the side.

  • Need your XboxLive name: in comments, forum, or Steam
  • Tell us what you want to play: campaign, multiplayer, firefight, ect
  • Be ready to go at 1700 GMT
  • If not playing Halo, let us know what you will play instead.
  • You'll get invites to a party around 1600, 1630, 1645, and 1700GMT

Use the comments below, or join us in our forum, or at our Steam page.