24 August 2012

FOB EGN: #001: Team Fortress 2 (PC)

 By Conicer, now go say thank you!

The 1st FOB Equestria Game Night is coming up! Read more after the page break!

Team Fortress 2 for PC on Saturday at 1700 GMT / Zulu Time

Check out our Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fobeq

Difficulty level: N00b!  Seriously, We can't be competitive like Fluttershy for this one. Firebrand can, but the rest of us probably can't. This is going to be a kind of social gathering/gaming time. It will also allow us to work out the kinks.

The purpose: You know what's lame in video games. When none of your friends can play, and are not willing to play the same game at the same time as you. This eliminates that problem. Each week we will be trying to get people to take time to play a sweet multiplayer session with the rest of us to fulfill are gaming needs. If you've got a suggestion on what to play, or even what to recommend we all get in order to play together, head over to the forums: http://fobequestria.kingharald.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=177