I...huh?...wha? I don't even....I heard it existed, so I read it. And there's DEFINITELY no military theme to this one at all.
Author: angelofrombelow
"It had to happen eventually....actually, no. No, it really didn't.Set immediately after the events of Boast Busters, Trixie finds herself in a quandary when she realizes she has left her purse behind in Ponyville. She faces a humiliating walk back into town to pick up her money. Before she can turn back, however, she meets a magical, sentient pine cone and her life is changed forever."The Great And Powerful Trixie Falls In Love With A Pine Cone
Read all about it...after I get over the initial shock.
Well, I have to admit that this story wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it! Don't get me wrong, it's not the best fanfic I've ever read. Not even close. Still, it was a fun read. The the story take place right after the events of the episode Boast Busters as Trixie is fleeing the scene from Ponyville. She wanders into the Everfree Forest where she meets a magical pine cone that changes her life. Yes, a pine cone. Even Trixie couldn't believe at first! Still, stranger things have happened in Equestria...I think. Anyway, She names
After spending the night in the forest...which I'm not sure how exactly she survived, Trixie decides to head back to Ponyville to retrieve what she had left behind while making her escape; primarily her purse. Makes sense to me! Everypony needs money. And with the help of Piney the magic pine cone, she is given the chance to make her "dreams come true"...not my words, the story's. Now, I won't lie, I thought I had this story figured out after Trixie's first encounter with one of the members of the Mane 6, the fastest flier in all of Equestria, Rainbow Dash. I thought this was going to be another predictable story. I thought WRONG!
You know what? I couldn't be happier I was wrong! I can't really enjoy anything that's predictable. I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but for me: predictable = boring. I think that was during my Anthropology review? Getting back on topic! The story takes a turn for the weird near the end, but this weirdness actually makes more sense than the original weirdness...if that makes sense. I just don't know anymore. This story is just plain weird. Basically, this story has an unlikely "shipping" with Trixie...but I doubt it's the shipping you would expect. Yes, she does fall in love with the pine cone as the description states, but something very interesting happens involving little Piney. I'll just leave it at that. For those of you who don't know, "shipping" is the term for putting 2 ponies, or any sentient beings really, from the show or fandom together in a romantic relationship. Yeah...it gets out of control at times, and this story just proves my point.
Moving on to things that make more sense, let's talk about the characters. The author does a fairly decent job at keeping the characters true to their established personalities. Were there times I felt like they were out of character? Yes, but for the most part the author did a good job. I felt this was especially true for Trixie, but most instances were small and didn't take much away from the story. The imagery was good at providing a clear idea of what was happening, and the plot wasn't all that bad either. If it wasn't already apparent, this story definitely get's points for originality, although I felt it could have been written a bit better. What does this all translate to? Check the ratings below and find out!
Originality: | 5 out of 5 rounds. |
Composition: | 3 out of 5 rounds. |
Characters: | 4 out of 5 rounds. |
Imagery: | 4 out of 5 rounds. |
Plot: | 4 out of 5 rounds. |
N/A | |
Overall: | 4 out of 5 rounds. |
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