30 November 2012

SITREP #025: Cutie Mark ACU Patches Auctioned for Chairty

A fellow solder and brony is arranging small fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project and is auctioning off Cutie Mark ACU patches.

Do keep in mind that wearing unauthorized patches on your uniform is a NOGO.

I'll be starting up each batch on Sunday, and run it for a week. The first set is already up: 
Twilight Sparkle 
Rainbow Dash 
Pinkie Pie


Songs by Soldiers #002: Babs Seed (Hide-and-Bail Remix) // Determination INSTRUMENTAL

Got some music for all of you Bronies! Seeing as we just had a CMC themed episode, it seems somewhat appropriate that the music is as well!

Anyway, we got 2 songs for you this time, both by Neu KatalYst. I like'em both, but what can I say? I like his style.

Catch the music after the jump!

28 November 2012

Lunar Transmissions: November 28th

Another week, another Lunar Transmissions. They've got guests from two conventions this time!

Check the info below!

24 November 2012

At the MWR: 002

It's true

Another round of "At the MWR" where you can get a quick supplement of internetz if you're bored. Today we have a real pony/horse embarrasment, Chinook antics, mother nature getting all up in yo' grill, and 'MERICA!

P-Day: More CMC Adventures!

Once again it's Saturday and once again it's all about ponies. We get more CMC shenanigans this week.

The episode airs 7:30am PST / 10:30am EST / 15:30 GMT / 20:00 AFG / 00:30 KST

The episode hasn't leaked to iTunes this time around, so head on over to our FOB MWR!


23 November 2012

Band of Bronies #005

Time for the weekly promotion of our radio show with the folks over at Everypony! I won't be there because I'm visiting family for Thanksgiving, but that certainly doesn't mean that you shouldn't go listen to the other guys!

Catch the info after the break!

22 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #004: DJ ClusterBuck

Who's next? How about this guy: he goes by the stage name DJ Ph4nt0m ClusterBuck. Yeah, he had a recent change of stage name. While not one of the "big names" in the Brony music community, he's still one of us! Let's give him what promotion we can.

Also, he doesn't have an OC... so maybe someone should make one for him? I mean, isn't that what bronies do or something? Just a suggestion.

Learn more about this Military Brony and his music after the break!

21 November 2012

Lunar Transmissions: 21 November

It's once again time for the weekly Luna Transmissions! This week, it's a bit early... later today in fact. Join Leatherneck once again as he talks about things with other people. STUFF!

Catch the info after the break!

20 November 2012

Episode Review: The Crystal Empire

I pledge allegiance, to the flag...

Hey everypony! Commander Firebrand's alter ego joshscorcher/The Fiery Joker skipped a season or two and jumped straight into reviewing the Season 3 Pilot, "The Crystal Empire!" He now commands that you go watch his review after the break!

19 November 2012

SITREP #024: A Thank You Letter

Today, we have something a little different. Here at the FOB, we recently received a letter from one of you bronies in the community. While it's after Veterans Day, we agreed with the sender that "It's never too late to thank veterans!"

Well, we couldn't keep this to ourselves, as the letter is as much to all of you as it is to us here on the staff. Now, certain information will be excluded for the safety of the sender. Right, as if you guys don't get that with all the OPSEC training they pound into our heads...

ANYWAYS! Read the letter after the break!

Fan Fiction Review #023: My Roommate is a Vampire

What is it with these darn Vinyl and Octavia stories that makes them so interesting to read? I also wonder what it is about werewolves and vampires that makes those stories so...well sold. Mixing two good things together always comes out great right? Right?

Author: Dennis the Menace
There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.
Vamponies and Wereponies after the break!

17 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #003: H8_Seed

Smile for the camera! Next up on our list is H8_Seed. If you don't know him, let's fix that. Shall we? He's certainly been on the Brony music scene for a while and has joined our ranks as Military Bronies.

I was rather surprised to see that he doesn't have more subscribers on YouTube, but that's the fame game for ya' I suppose. Well let's see if we can't help that a little...

Learn more about this guy after the break!

P-Day: There can never be too many Pinkie Pies

It's Saturday again, and you know what that means... PONIES! This week we get lots and lots of Pinkie Pie.

The episode airs 7:30am PST / 10:30am EST / 15:30 GMT / 20:00 AFG / 00:30 KST

Head on over to our FOB MWR!


16 November 2012

Band of Bronies #004

That time of the week is almost upon us yet again! The next installment in our radio show with the folks over at Everypony! Oh, and I suppose the new episode of MLP is almost here, too. You know, if you care about that sort of thing.

And would you look at that? I actually got this post ready at a reasonable time this week. Huh...

Get all the info after the break!

Fan Fiction Review #022: Milk Run to Ponyville

Time to review a submission! This one's been in the wings long enough... probably a little too long if I'm being honest. Hey, we still got to it didn't we? Check out what's about.

Author: PonyGuy73
"Milk Run to Ponyville" is a re-telling of parts of the pilot episode through the eyes of one of the Pegasus Guards, who I've arbitrarily given names to. As such, this is not tagged as an OC submission, because I'm not changing the actions of those characters; I'm just giving them a voice and some extra background. It intentionally stops at the beginning of pt.2 of the pilot, since that's the last time we see the Pegasus Guards in that episode.
Royal Guard's perspective? Hmm.... Review inbound after the break!

15 November 2012

Songs by Soldiers #001: No Smiles For Those Left Behind // SUPER POWERFUL ODOR BLOCKER BODY WASH

Going right along with the new music section that I've added here to the FOB (Musicians Of Service) is this segment I'd like to call Songs by Soldiers. If you think about it, it's only logical that we keep the comms open with our musicians.

That being said, Neu KatalYst has got some new music for ya' to give a listen. First on the front is the newest addition to his list of pony-related music. The second... well, that's a bit more random, but still awesome nonetheless.

Catch both after the break!

14 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #021: Home at Last

Why wuv woo, waddy! Why wuv woo wo wuch!!

Author: Lumadous
A heartfelt homecoming for a vet.
Will this story be welcomed with open arms? Click through!

10 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #002: Navy Brony

Next up on the list is our very own Navy Brony, otherwise known as Navron! For those of you unaware, he is our official PA guy here on the FOB. That's pretty much why you don't see him out here posting stuff. It's OK, we still love him anyway.

Now, this guy is somewhat well known in the Brony music community, so chances are pretty good you've heard of him if you follow it. That or if you've been keeping up with us here on the FOB then you've definitely heard of him!

Anyway, find out a little more about just who he is after the break!

Band of Bronies #003

Hey Bronies! Are you doing anything after the Season 3 premiere tomorrow morning? No? Well then, why not tune into the Band of Bronies radio show!

While I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience, we changed some of the details of the show. Worry not! We should have it all sorted out now... I hope.

ANYWAY... catch all the info after the break!

09 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #020: Not in My Air Force You Don't!


'Sup my military bronies? Spangle here with another review... yes I still do these! Especially when the story is about the US Air Force!

This story was recommended to me by one of my fellow Airmen, to whom I can only say "What did you just make me read."

Author: Twystron500
I'm not joking. This is close to how it really is! The insanity that I deal with everyday! This story definitely deserves the random tag. It's also loosely based on true events in my life. Rainbow Dash is the leading Senior NCO of a Com squadron. Pinkie's this spastic Technical Sergeant. Twilight is a grumpy Master Sergeant. Fluttershy is the adorable Commander. Yay.
What do I mean by that comment? Find out after the jump!

08 November 2012

P-Day is upon us!

It's finally here. The moment you've all been waiting for since love conquered changelings.

FOB Equestria and The Midnight Run is proud to present the Season 3 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, brought to you live via the magic of the internet. 

The premiere airs on Saturday at 07:00am PST / 10:00am EST / 15:00 GMT / 19:30 Afgh / 00:00 KST.

However, The Midnight Run will be hosting a pre-show full of goodies for you, which starts on 
Friday 20:00 EST / Sat 01:00 GMT / Sat 10:00 KST.

We've been told that tonight's entertainment will consist of The Three Stooges, followed by The Avengers, tailed by Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show.

All of this can be enjoyed at our official FOB MWR.


07 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #001: Neu KatalYst

So if any of you follow our Podcast (yes, I know there wasn't one this week. Conflicting schedules, military bronies have no time, rah rah), then you may have heard me mention about a new musical focus that I wish to bring to the FOB, and HERE IT IS!!

Basically, I wanted to give our Military Bronies who make music the attention they deserve from the site. That isn't to say that we don't like music from other Bronies, but we are "The Home of the Military Bronies" after all. Time to give our Brony brothers in arms some love.

AND YES, I'M AWARE THAT I'M THE HEAD OF LITERATURE. SO WHAT? I think having over 2K Brony songs on my computer makes me qualified for this... just sayin'.

First up is Neu KatalYst. Check him out after the break!

06 November 2012

Songs for the Troops #019: NomNom Edition

I don't know why Luna is crying, but it's breaking my heart. Anyway, we got two music submission from NomNom, both songs about Luna.

Check them out after the break.

SITREP #023: BUCK 2013 needs security!

The gentlecolts of BUCK have told us that they need some serious security for next years convention. They naturally look towards us military bronies for some help.

Like last year, the convention will be held in Manchester, UK and is between August 30th and September 1st (fri-sun). They do prefer people that are SIA accredited, although I think most of us are qualified well beyond that, so don't let that stop you. And don't let international borders stop you either, BUCK 2013 is going to be one hell of a convention!

All staff and crew get free entrance, a special t-shirt and the staff room is usually full of various refreshments. You also get some time off to enjoy the convention.

If this sounds like something for you, then head on over to this thread for more info on how to apply. If you have any further questions, you can contact crewreg@bronyuk.org.


05 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #019: Displaced

I saw this story a few months back, and thought, 'Oh hey this looks good!' only to find my least favorite word in the fan-fiction world: 'Incomplete'. After completion though, I picked it up to find that the wait was well worth it. Inside you fill find epic war, superheroes, saucy romance, and even exploring haunted sheds! 

Author: Seven Fates
The wheels of fate turn in mysterious ways. When a unicorn colt has an accident on the edge of the Everfree, no pony knows who he is. Assuming his brain was jostled by the accident, they ignore his absurdest notions of not being from this world, and not being a pony at all. However, when he is involved a terrible incident that threatens the lives of his only friends in the world—Ponyville's three most rambunctious fillies—their friends and family begin to pay more credence to his claims. 
For Warren Ashland, the clock is ticking as a chain of events that was set into motion the moment he woke in Equestria comes to a vicious head. The time will come when he must decide whether he wishes to stand alone as a human in the Equestrian world, or give it all up for his newfound friends. His actions will shape the lives of those around him.
OK just kidding, this story fits the category of high adventure, which is very down to earth (or as close as you can get in a land of magic). Details after the break!

At the MWR: #001

This is not the moment you want to hear: "Oh f*ck!"

So you got bored and visited the MWR (Morale, Wellness, and Recreation) center at the FOB because you got bored. Let FOB Equestria cut down on some of the mindless YouTube and LiveLeak surfing for you! Click below to find out what happens to our "Daring-Do" Airborne motivator above, as well as a sunset aerial performance, Hurricane Sandy, a sonic flutterboom, and a bit of rumor control on what specifically those US Marines with red patches do.

03 November 2012

Band of Bronies #002

Well, if you got up early enough to read this before the actual show, then you're in luck! Though there have been some changes...

What changes exactly? Nothing big. Mostly just a time change, which you should be able to see in the updated Ad up top!

Catch all the info for tuning in after the break!

Fan Fiction Review #018: Faith and Doubt

Uh... sorry.
Author: defender2222
There has always been a little voice in Twilight Sparkle's head, whispering dark musings to her. And until her brother's wedding, she has managed to push those bitter thoughts away and focus on the good. She forgives and forgets and holds onto hope. 
But when her friends turn their backs on her and her brother cuts her from his life, Twilight finds herself alone, with only the little voice to comfort her. 
And it is through anger and hate that has been repressed for so long that Twilight finds the power to rise up. Harmony and Friendship have only brought her pain and suffering. It is time for her to embrace her dark side. No longer will she worry about what others think. Twilight is going to live her life how SHE chooses: without friends, without family, without love and without harmony. She is going to cut loose, have fun, and screw what others think.
For her friends and family, it will soon become apparent that if they don't find a way to mend the damage they've done to the lavender mare...Twilight Sparkle might be lost to them forever.
Will this story sur— you know what? Forget it. No. No, it won't. Just click through.