07 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #001: Neu KatalYst

So if any of you follow our Podcast (yes, I know there wasn't one this week. Conflicting schedules, military bronies have no time, rah rah), then you may have heard me mention about a new musical focus that I wish to bring to the FOB, and HERE IT IS!!

Basically, I wanted to give our Military Bronies who make music the attention they deserve from the site. That isn't to say that we don't like music from other Bronies, but we are "The Home of the Military Bronies" after all. Time to give our Brony brothers in arms some love.

AND YES, I'M AWARE THAT I'M THE HEAD OF LITERATURE. SO WHAT? I think having over 2K Brony songs on my computer makes me qualified for this... just sayin'.

First up is Neu KatalYst. Check him out after the break!

If you're a big follower of the Brony music scene, chances are pretty good you've heard of this guy. I'm a personal fan of his work and have to say it get's my blood pumping. Here's some basic info about our brother in arms.

Branch of Service:Army
Time in Service:1 year 10 months
Current Status:Active Duty
Military Job:Military Intelligence
Music Style: Drum and Bass (DnB)

Give some of his music a listen!

Now, if you want to hear everything this guy makes, you'll have to check out all his links because not everything that he creates makes it to his YouTube. Anyway, that's it for the first post of the series!

If you're a Brony musician in the military or know one, please contact me at spanglepony44@gmail.com OR email the entire staff at fobequestria@gmail.com.