19 November 2012

SITREP #024: A Thank You Letter

Today, we have something a little different. Here at the FOB, we recently received a letter from one of you bronies in the community. While it's after Veterans Day, we agreed with the sender that "It's never too late to thank veterans!"

Well, we couldn't keep this to ourselves, as the letter is as much to all of you as it is to us here on the staff. Now, certain information will be excluded for the safety of the sender. Right, as if you guys don't get that with all the OPSEC training they pound into our heads...

ANYWAYS! Read the letter after the break!

Dear Military Bronies, 
My name is Gisselle                           and I am in eighth grade. Veterans Day is a yearly holiday in the US that honors military veterans such as yourself for your outstanding work in providing freedom to all of us. I am thankful to veterans because we wouldn't be a free country without them, they faithfully accept all the sacrifices and hardships that protecting our country includes, and for making the US a better, safer place for us to live in. 
I appreciate all the brave souls who stood on the front line so we could be free. Veterans believe it is their duty to protect us from wrong forces and whether we agree with this or not, we all say it is valiant of all of you. It is especially heroic that you are standing up for the rights of people who you don’t even know. 
Thank you very much for sacrificing your life and enduring many hardships for our country. You rarely see your family and friends just so that everyone else can spend as much time with ours, which I will never take for granted. I've heard that being in the military is mentally, physically and emotionally tolling, and I thank you for enduring all of that just for us. 
Finally, I am grateful that veterans keep the US safe. Thank you for protecting us from tyranny and dictators. You protect our freedom to choose our religion and sexuality which is amazing. 
Again, I am thankful for all the life-changing hard work you put in for us. I am especially glad that being a Brony/Pegasister unites your group and helps keep you going. I hope that every Veterans Day, you remember that there are people just like me who are thinking about you every day. 
8th Grade Student
Every now and again it's just nice to feel appreciated, you know? If you've been in a while, you've probably had those times where your job just gets you down and exhausted. All it takes sometimes is a little reminder of why you spend 12+ hours a day doing hard work for probably not enough pay to make it all worthwhile...