16 November 2012

Band of Bronies #004

That time of the week is almost upon us yet again! The next installment in our radio show with the folks over at Everypony! Oh, and I suppose the new episode of MLP is almost here, too. You know, if you care about that sort of thing.

And would you look at that? I actually got this post ready at a reasonable time this week. Huh...

Get all the info after the break!

Time:    1130 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, episode reviews, occasional interviews, and more!
Where:  Everypony Radio

Tune in after the new episode of MLP, which you can find on OUR STREAM over on The Midnight Run.

You have 30 minutes to grab a snack jump over to the radio show to hear discussions and thoughts on the latest episode! This week's sure to be interesting with the episode titled... er, well now that I think about it, Firebrand did say that some people don't like to even know the episode title. Guess I'll be considerate...

Anyway, there are certainly going to be more random discussions and announcements of goings-on with both our organizations. Not only that, we have a special guest this week: Rommel from Bronies for Good. You know, pretty much the center of all the major Brony charity events that tend to happen in this community. Yeah... so definitely give us a listen if you want to hear from that guy. Nothing more to report!

If you want to hear our Brony talking but can't make the time, don't worry! You can find all the episodes on Everypony's YouTube channel, found HERE!