22 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #004: DJ ClusterBuck

Who's next? How about this guy: he goes by the stage name DJ Ph4nt0m ClusterBuck. Yeah, he had a recent change of stage name. While not one of the "big names" in the Brony music community, he's still one of us! Let's give him what promotion we can.

Also, he doesn't have an OC... so maybe someone should make one for him? I mean, isn't that what bronies do or something? Just a suggestion.

Learn more about this Military Brony and his music after the break!

If you're curious what he might look like, he did provide a picture:

I mean look at that face! How can you not like him already? I have to say, I like his thoughts on Bronies:
"I came into the fandom while browsing the internet. I found the animation and message that MLP: FiM put across to be very appealing. The idea of so many people coming together from all walks of life to share a common interest is very much like the Army, and being that there were and are a growing number of military bronies, it wasn't too hard to embrace the magic that is friendship. I hope to soon go to a brony convention in person. I am hoping there will be one between April 20th and May 10th of next year when I go home for PCS leave."
Let's give you guys the basics:

Branch of Service:Army
Time in Service:
1 year 2 months
Current Status:Active Duty
Military Job:
M1 Abrams System Maintainer
Music Style: EDM/Electro


Now time to give some of his music a listen.

He's also currently working on an album with NeuKatalYst and a few other Brony musicians to sell for Kiki's charity. All the proceeds from the album will be donated to help Kiki and her family. The website we will be selling the album on cureforkiki.com. Now, go check out his YouTube and Soundcloud!
If you're a Brony musician in the military or know one, please contact me at spanglepony44@gmail.com OR email the staff at fobequestria@gmail.com.