05 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #019: Displaced

I saw this story a few months back, and thought, 'Oh hey this looks good!' only to find my least favorite word in the fan-fiction world: 'Incomplete'. After completion though, I picked it up to find that the wait was well worth it. Inside you fill find epic war, superheroes, saucy romance, and even exploring haunted sheds! 

Author: Seven Fates
The wheels of fate turn in mysterious ways. When a unicorn colt has an accident on the edge of the Everfree, no pony knows who he is. Assuming his brain was jostled by the accident, they ignore his absurdest notions of not being from this world, and not being a pony at all. However, when he is involved a terrible incident that threatens the lives of his only friends in the world—Ponyville's three most rambunctious fillies—their friends and family begin to pay more credence to his claims. 
For Warren Ashland, the clock is ticking as a chain of events that was set into motion the moment he woke in Equestria comes to a vicious head. The time will come when he must decide whether he wishes to stand alone as a human in the Equestrian world, or give it all up for his newfound friends. His actions will shape the lives of those around him.
OK just kidding, this story fits the category of high adventure, which is very down to earth (or as close as you can get in a land of magic). Details after the break!

I seem to be making a habit of starting with a brief back-story, but let's go with that again. This is the story of Warren, or as he is now known, Goldenrod. Once a butler in human-land, now a unicorn in pony-land. Not knowing where the heck he is, or why he is in the middle of a ruined castle in a giant forest, he runs until he happens upon the town of Ponyville. There he finds to his misfortune that his new body is that of a young colt, further making the transition difficult. By the time he sorts out the mess that he is in, he finally gets a chance to confront the creature that sent him there...

I'll begin with a noted lack of cheesiness. Most human in Equestria stories fall into the categories of comedy or clop, but this is an adventure story that does a great job of taking itself seriously. Your suspense of disbelief meters should not be any higher than usual when reading a pony-fic. In a way of explanation over the 'high adventure and not high fantasy' description, this story isn't so much about an awesome group of heroes going to kick but and take names, but rather a humbler story of self discovery.

As far as characters go, they fit right up to cannon show personalities, with one exception: reaction to alien species. Overall, I think the locals are just a little too accepting that Goldenrod is a being from another dimension. Granted, he does act like an adult in the body of a child, smarter and more polite than any other foal, but a claim of being from out of my world would probably make me question his sanity. More importantly, once they do accept that, they don't handle him accordingly. Would you let your filly play with a colt who is actually in his twenties? I didn't think so. (But it stops being a problem very quickly, so don't worry too much.)

Once I got past my initial qualms about 'human-in-Equestria', the story really picked up, and dragged me along for one heck of a ride. It reminded me a lot of reading 'Anthropology' (sorry for those of you who haven't read that yet) in that it started out rather sweet and innocent..and then BAM! The pace picks up drastically. I chalk that up to a really good multi-universe explanation, and a really, really good villain. Also, the author does take the time to explain himself in some notes at the end of each chapter. Those are real helpful, but I found myself skipping them soon enough to keep reading.

The ratings:

Plot: 5/5


Finally, the most important lesson anyone/anypony can learn from this fic: our weapons suck. We need to ditch the nukes, the fighter jets, the assault rifles, the bass cannons, and those elements of harmony, and arm every soldier with a good combat knife. That weapon can do anything! This is Lt. Sage, and I approve this message!