21 November 2012

Lunar Transmissions: 21 November

It's once again time for the weekly Luna Transmissions! This week, it's a bit early... later today in fact. Join Leatherneck once again as he talks about things with other people. STUFF!

Catch the info after the break!

Ground Control here once again taking over the blog part of this program.  It's been a couple of weeks and Leatherneck still hasn't noticed that his blog account has been overtaken by us to promote the show.  Oh well we're better at it anyways.  This week everyone here at Lunar Transmissions and The Midnight Run are proud to announce:
You can check the broadcast via the JETSTREAM tab . If you have any feedback, requests, or suggestions about who you would like to see interviewed on the show, please contact us on Twitter at @LunarTrans , like us on Facebook, or email us at lunartransmissions@themidnightrun.net
Tune in and join the live chat

Leatherneck thought that you might find this video relevant. If you don't laugh, well then... I'm not sure we can be friends anymore. You certainly aren't getting into the Wonderbolts! Not if I have anything to say about it! Oh, I don't? Huh... news to me.