Showing posts with label Slice of Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slice of Life. Show all posts

16 May 2013

Fan Fiction Review #038: Gold Star

Hey everybrony! Yes, I just used that term... Anyway, remember when I was actually alive? Me neither, but I'm back! This time I have yet another story submitted to us with a military slant to it. This one was actually sent in to us by the founder/administrator of the Pony Fiction Vault, so it can be reasonably expected to have a certain level of quality, but how good can it really be?

Author: Mindblower
Mom says that families who work really hard get to put a gold star on the inside of their windows.
Perhaps I should have given this one to Tweak or Dizzy... NAH! We've entered the jump zone. Green-light! Go! Go! Go!

17 April 2013

Fan Fiction Review #037: Darkest Before Dawn

Twilight in...*gulp* magic... kindergarten.

Author: Sessalisk
   Twilight Sparkle is accepted into Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns and gets a little more than she bargained for.
So my boss told me he loves this fic... prepare to be mad Spangle.

08 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #035: Aces High

I think we all agreed Lightning Dust got what was coming to her, but I'm pretty sure we all wanted to know what happened to that hotshot.  This is a take on what went down in the locker room afterwords.

Author: Shadow_Wolf (check link)
The events of the Wonderbolt Academy have played out and Rainbow Dash is in the stretch to achieving her dream but still has a hard time getting a certain erstwhile friend out of her mind. After taking a few minutes to contemplate things, she decides that she's been given enough second chances in her life to see to it that somepony else gets one as well.
Your boss is tapping her hoof and waiting to give you a stern lecture after the break.

11 January 2013

Fan Fiction Review #030: Kaleidoscope

Shattered memories... I just have to get them back.

Author: TheVulpineHero1
Somepony struggles to remember their childhood. But something's wrong. The facts aren't lining up, and things are becoming blurred. What's at the bottom of this mystery?
Ok, so maybe not "shattered" memories, but still mussed up.

31 December 2012

Fan Fiction Review #028: Keeping Your Hooves On The Ground


   The Cutie Mark Crusaders ask Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy about what happened just after the events of the Cutie Mark Chronicles; specifically, what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash immediately after the race. Reluctantly, Dash and Fluttershy delve into a tale.  A tale of a young Fluttershy's amazement at the world she had landed upon, and a filly Dash's desperate quest to save her from that most evil of places: THE GROUND.
Will this story melt the Drill Sergeant's frozen heart? Grab your insulin and head past the jump to find out!

12 December 2012

Fan Fiction Review #025: But You Surpass Them All

Spangle: "This is one of our new guys in the Literature Division here at the FOB. He can be a bit... harsh, but I think he's fair. Anyway, I'll let you read his first review."

So another Applejack’s parents fic… is it any good? No, I'm not going to tell you here.

Author: Pascoite

"Strong" is definitely a word that describes the Apples, and their family bonds are one of their biggest strengths. But Applejack will need to show her vulnerable side to get the most out of this day. 
With her friends' help and a few cracks in her armor, Applejack is going to make this Mother's Day the best one yet.
How will this one stack up against the rest? Seriously, do you think I’m going to tell you before the break?

02 December 2012

Fan Fiction Review #024: Wings of Gold


Author: totallynotabrony
Rainbow is depressed after she is unable to join the Wonderbolts. Her friends get her a ticket to an air show on Earth to cheer her up. She unexpectedly falls in love with jets, and decides that she wants to be a pilot no matter what it takes. She'll need education, training, and more than a little luck.
Does this fic feel the need, the need for speed? Find out after the jump!

19 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #023: My Roommate is a Vampire

What is it with these darn Vinyl and Octavia stories that makes them so interesting to read? I also wonder what it is about werewolves and vampires that makes those stories so...well sold. Mixing two good things together always comes out great right? Right?

Author: Dennis the Menace
There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.
Vamponies and Wereponies after the break!

16 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #022: Milk Run to Ponyville

Time to review a submission! This one's been in the wings long enough... probably a little too long if I'm being honest. Hey, we still got to it didn't we? Check out what's about.

Author: PonyGuy73
"Milk Run to Ponyville" is a re-telling of parts of the pilot episode through the eyes of one of the Pegasus Guards, who I've arbitrarily given names to. As such, this is not tagged as an OC submission, because I'm not changing the actions of those characters; I'm just giving them a voice and some extra background. It intentionally stops at the beginning of pt.2 of the pilot, since that's the last time we see the Pegasus Guards in that episode.
Royal Guard's perspective? Hmm.... Review inbound after the break!

14 November 2012

Fan Fiction Review #021: Home at Last

Why wuv woo, waddy! Why wuv woo wo wuch!!

Author: Lumadous
A heartfelt homecoming for a vet.
Will this story be welcomed with open arms? Click through!