10 November 2012

Musicians Of Service #002: Navy Brony

Next up on the list is our very own Navy Brony, otherwise known as Navron! For those of you unaware, he is our official PA guy here on the FOB. That's pretty much why you don't see him out here posting stuff. It's OK, we still love him anyway.

Now, this guy is somewhat well known in the Brony music community, so chances are pretty good you've heard of him if you follow it. That or if you've been keeping up with us here on the FOB then you've definitely heard of him!

Anyway, find out a little more about just who he is after the break!

Well you've all probably seen this picture at one point or another:

Yep, that's our guy right there! For those of you that I'm sure will ask about the patch, when this picture was taken, morale patches were still authorized. That means he wasn't breaking the rules or anything at the time, so don't think we are encouraging such a thing! More info on him below:

Branch of Service:Navy
Time in Service:6 years 4 months
Current Status:Active Duty
Military Job:Helicopter Rescue Swimmer
Music Style: Heavy Electro

Give some of his music a listen down below!

When he's not out saving lives, he's probably working on music, doing some PA thing for our site, or just being plain hilarious in the FOBEQ Podcast when he has a chance to jump in. Seriously, I'm glad to have met the guy. So what are you waiting for! Go subscribe to him on YouTube or something!
If you're a Brony musician in the military or know one, please contact me at spanglepony44@gmail.com OR email the staff at fobequestria@gmail.com.