03 November 2012

Band of Bronies #002

Well, if you got up early enough to read this before the actual show, then you're in luck! Though there have been some changes...

What changes exactly? Nothing big. Mostly just a time change, which you should be able to see in the updated Ad up top!

Catch all the info for tuning in after the break!

Yes, it's that time of the week again for the new live radio show that we are co-hosting with the staff of Everypony! Below is the all the info you'll need:

Time:    1100 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, episode reviews, occasional interviews, and more!

Perhaps some of you are wondering why we moved it to a later time. That was for our listeners in the US. We realized that 0900 EST was 0600 PST, which is very early. So, we thought we would have the show AFTER the new episode of MLP... you know, after you all were already awake!

We hope you tune in and enjoy our ramblings... er, I mean important discussions that you should all care about. Yeah...


PS: In case you aren't able to tune in, the folks at Everypony do post the recorded show to their YouTube Channel, which can be found here!