08 February 2013

Fan Fiction Review #035: Aces High

I think we all agreed Lightning Dust got what was coming to her, but I'm pretty sure we all wanted to know what happened to that hotshot.  This is a take on what went down in the locker room afterwords.

Author: Shadow_Wolf (check link)
The events of the Wonderbolt Academy have played out and Rainbow Dash is in the stretch to achieving her dream but still has a hard time getting a certain erstwhile friend out of her mind. After taking a few minutes to contemplate things, she decides that she's been given enough second chances in her life to see to it that somepony else gets one as well.
Your boss is tapping her hoof and waiting to give you a stern lecture after the break.

Aces High   (Word Count: 5,859)


Yeah, that hard, right in the manly feelz.  That story of the pep talk from the dude you didn't want it from, followed by another talk with another person you really didn't want to hear from right then, when you actually needed all of it badly.  Now add ponies and make another 20% cooler joke.

In case you didn't figure it out, this is the story of how Lightning Dust goes back to collect her things after getting the boot from Spitfire.  Of course Rainbow Dash goes to give her a pep talk.  More story at this point would be pointless, as it is kind of short.  When I first started reading, I immediately found the style a bit jarring.  The author sure loves, occasionally likes, enjoys the use of, and adds lots of commas.  Once you get past that though, there isn't really anything to impede the story.

What made the story was really that character action.  I really like Rainbow Dash.  If I had to use that darn condition 'If you could only choose from the Mane Six' for the question 'Who is best pony?' then eight times out of ten I'd say Rainbow Dash.  I relate to her.  And in this story, without sacrificing the stuck up ego, the incredible awesomeness, and all the other little things that make her herself, the author makes a grown up and mature Rainbow Dash.  One that is capable of being the tough love and good friend at the same time that so many ponies (and people) need.  Spitfire shows up of course, and exemplifies the trope 'A Father to His Men', or 'A Mother to Her Ponies' in this case.

Lightning Dust... well the picture above says most of what needs to be said, but I could honestly relate to her too.  When every character wants something, and can either be understood or related to, that's a job well done.


Originality: 4/5
Composition: 3/5
Characters: 5/5
Imagery: 4/5
Plot: 4/5

Overall: 4/5

'red Sage: *Ponders over what to write for the TLDR*


'red Sage: ...what do you mean your idea?

Dizziestbeef: The TLDR thing.  That's my idea. *cocks baseball bat*

'red Sage: Uhm... I was on this FOB first.  I started using it before you got here.

Dizziestbeef: Pfft.  Using rank as an excuse.  Typical.

'red Sage: *checks the command roster* I'm pretty sure we're both FOBEQ LT, I'm just saying I was using it before you.

Dizziestbeef: Prove it.

'red Sage: *digs through FOB posts* okay... the first review I used TLDR in was 'My Roomate is a Vampire' which was before any of your posts

Dizziestbeef: gah... no... um... who says I read any of your posts?

'red Sage: Never said you did.  Now will you put that bat away?

Dizziestbeef: *cocks bat again*

'red Sage: Dizzy!  Nonononono!

Dizziestbeef: *aims bat* *click* SWEET MOTHER OF CELESTIA'S FLAMING HORN!

'red Sage: Spangle!  Tweak!  HELP! *Runs away screaming like Rarity*

Dizziestbeef: *Sits down at Sage's computer and begins to type*

TLDR: The concept of TLDR belongs to Dizziestbeef, and on my word as a good brony, I will not be using it anymore.