03 December 2012

Musicians of Service #005: Black Gryph0n

Well look at this! It's about time we featured perhaps the most famous Military Brony musician in the community. I'd be surprised if you guys haven't heard of him already, considering he does some pretty great music and just plain awesome animations.

But... how much do you really know about him? Well, we can certainly help you there. And if you haven't heard of him, well then, now's your chance!

Catch it all after the jump!

First, let's give you a picture of what this guy actually looks like:

Look at him! All awesome looking in his combat fatigues/blueberries/aquaflage... pony sights are best sights. Time to give you some of the basic info:
Branch of Service:
US Navy

Time in Service:4 years 2 months
Current Status:
Active Duty

Military Job:
Navy Musician,
Lead Singer,
7th Fleet's Rock Band
'Orient Express.'
Music Style: 
Drumbstep, Dubstep,
Rock, Jazz, Techno,
Pop, etc.

Music Experience:Performing professionally
on and off since age 14.


OK, enough background info, it's time for some music!

That concludes this MOS post! Stay tuned in as we continue to get in touch with the Military Brony musicians out there! That does it for me. I'm punching out!
If you're a Brony musician in the military or know one, please contact me at spanglepony44@gmail.com OR email the staff at fobequestria@gmail.com.