08 December 2012

Band of Bronies #007

Whoops... Well, it looks like this is going to be a little late. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN. TIME... for the weekly promotion of our radio show.

Stand in the door and get ready to jump!

Time:    1130 EST
Topics:  EP/FOBEQ events, community news, episode reviews, occasional interviews, and more!
Where:  Everypony Radio

Tune in after the new episode of MLP, which you can find on OUR STREAM over on The Midnight Run.

Scoot-Scootaloohoo! So we're all psyched up about this new episode that is going to happen in about 5 hours from now. Nothing out of the ordinary this week, just the regular staff from EP and FOBEQ going to be talking about the show and all things pony.

Still, I mean not like you have anything else going on after the show... or maybe you do? I don't know. What am I, a gypsy like Madame Pinkie? Nope. Anyway, hope you can join us and enjoy the show!

If you want to hear our Brony talking but can't make the time, don't worry! You can find all the episodes on Everypony's YouTube channel, found HERE!